Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, Italy, Dr Qu Dongyu, visits Teagasc Ashtown
Dr Qu Dongyu, DG of the FAO recently visited Teagasc Ashtown where he had an opportunity to view the facilities, and meet with staff from Teagasc and the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine.
Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, Italy, Dr Qu Dongyu, visits Teagasc Ashtown
Pictured taking note of a plant species of interest at Teagasc, Ashtown was Dr Qu Dongyu, Director General of the FAO, assisted by Paul Maher, Head of International Relations and Strategy, Teagasc.
The DG was welcomed to Ashtown by Teagasc Chairman, Liam Herlihy and Minister of State at the Department of Food and the Marine, Martin Heydon TD.
Teagasc Director, Professor Frank OMara led a team of Teagasc colleagues and DAFM officials in discussions with the DG and his colleagues from the FAO.
The discussions focussed on the challenges facing agriculture into the future, including farm income, succession, farmer health, climate change and a range of other issues that are common to Ireland and many of the regions where FAO is active.
The need for many countries to develop their agriculture system and institutional support structure further into the future was also discussed. In this regard there was a lot of interest in the applicability of the Irish / Teagasc model of support for farmers and all other organisations within the Irish AKIS through its integrated research, advisory and education programmes.
During the visit, the DG had the opportunity to visit the National Prepared Consumer Food Centre and Horticultural Glass House Facilities which were extended and upgraded recently with the support of DAFM.