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How the future will be made – researchers from around the world gather to evaluate the power of anticipation and visions to shape our future

On Tuesday, 21 June Teagasc is hosting one of 11 international research seminars as part of the 2022 European Society for Rural Sociology “Just Rural Transitions: Opportunities and Challenges” programme. This online event focuses on how anticipation of the future and the creation of social, economic, environmental and, increasingly, technological visions is a central part of the development of robust policies and strategies at local, national and international scales.

How the future will be made – researchers from around the world gather to evaluate the power of anticipation and visions to shape our future

Understanding for who, and by whom, the future of rural spaces and places is envisioned is crucial. This enables greater understanding of the challenges, tensions, and possibilities underpinning the potential transformation of societies and economies as they seek to mitigate the impacts of, and adapt to, climate change in ways that support a just transition.

Speaking in advance of the event, Dr David Meredith from the Teagasc Rural Economy Development Programme said; “Creating visions of the future is a powerful tool that is central to mobilising diverse groups to work together to achieve a desired future. Visions that do not consider the links between social, economic and environmental processes of change and particularly their impacts on livelihoods are unlikely to be successful.”

Co-organiser Dr Jack McCarthy of the Rediscovery Centre in Dublin added; “The objective of this seminar is to bring together researchers from across the world to consider the social innovations required to underpin policies that seek to support just transitions for rural and farming communities.”

Engaging with the third discursive strand of ESRS 2022 – “Identifying desired futures” this seminar brings together researchers working across a number of countries and disciplines to consider the practices, politics, and social dynamics involved in anticipating, pre-empting, or other visioning the futures of rural communities and spaces.

This seminar links with two ongoing projects, ReNew2050 – funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and Rural Futures – jointly funded by the Irish Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council (UK).

The seminar takes place on Tuesday 21 June from 09:20 – 15:10 Irish Standard Time (GMT+1). The event will be online (Zoom) – To get the link to the event please register here: ESRS 2022: Anticipating, Prioritizing, and Negotiating Rural Futures Tickets, Tue 21 Jun 2022 at 09:20 | Eventbrite

To see the full programme for the online seminar visit https://www.teagasc.ie/news--events/national-events/events/esrs2022-seminar.php

For further information please contact Dr David Meredith on 087 1231208 or david.meredith@teagasc.ie
