Minister Hackett launches Teagasc Guide to Harvesting and Selling Timber
A “Step-by-Step Guide to Harvesting and Selling Timber from Conifer Forests” was launched by Senator Pippa Hackett, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, on her recent visit to Teagasc Oak Park, Carlow.
The forecasted increase in timber supply to the Irish market in future years will come almost exclusively from privately owned forests. The mobilisation of this important supply is dependent on timely and active management of what is traditionally referred to as the ‘farm forest’. Active management commences with individual forest owners developing an awareness and understanding of their own forests. This allows for timely planning of activities such as applying for a felling licence and providing suitable access to their forest.
Minister Hackett said; “Forest management is a relatively new venture for many forest owners. The steps involved in organising forest harvesting and timber sales, including knowing, where to start and who to approach, can be challenging, particularly if this is a new venture.
This 28-page publication offers a step-by-step guide to forest owners in getting timber from their conifer forests to the market place.
Frances McHugh, Teagasc Forestry Development Officer explained; “planning a timber harvest needs to begin in good time, ideally a few years out from the actual harvest.” She added; “gaining knowledge of timber assortments and products, the paperwork involved, the potential buyers, along with required preparation in the forest, all need a significant lead in time”.
The key messages for owners considering forest management and timber sales are set out in this booklet; start the process in good time, get good advice, engage people who will work for the benefit of the forest and make sure to have a good contract in place to ensure a successful outcome. This approach will greatly help in optimising your valuable forest resource.
This excellent booklet full of valuable, practical tips is available from Teagasc at
Hard copies are also available from the Teagasc Forestry Development Department.