Opportunities in Organic Farming
Teagasc has organised a series of information events for farmers who are considering joining the new Organic Farming Scheme, which was opened by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine today, Wednesday, 9 February.
Teagasc Director Professor Frank O’Mara said; “Teagasc has a busy programme of activities planned for 2022, for existing organic farmers and for those considering converting. We will be adding another specialist to the Organic specialist team in Teagasc. This team is working across the advisory regions to upskill our frontline advisors on the opportunities presenting in the new Organic Farming Scheme.”
A national webinar organised by the Teagasc organic specialists will take place on Wednesday, 23 February at 7:30pm and will be on the topic of ‘Applying for the 2022 Organic Farming Scheme’. The webinar is broadcast using zoom and participants will have an opportunity to submit questions during the live broadcast. To register visit https://www.teagasc.ie/rural-economy/organics/events/ .
Speaking in advance of the upcoming webinar, Teagasc organic specialist, Elaine Leavy said: “a number of important changes have been introduced to the organic farming scheme which will make it more attractive for many farmers to consider converting their farm. This online event on 23 February, and other events organised by Teagasc will provide more detailed information for farmers to help them make up their mind.”
A second national Teagasc webinar on ‘Direct Selling of Organic Produce’ is planned for Wednesday, 30 March, also at 7:30pm.
Local Teagasc Organic Webinars
The Teagasc advisory service has organised a series of local webinars for their farmer clients and others interested in organic farming. These webinars entitled ‘Is Organic Farming an Option for Your Farm?’ will commence on 16th February and take place across the Teagasc advisory regions.
Organic Farm Walks
A national series of 12 Organic Farm Walks have been organised by Teagasc in association with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and organic organisations. These commence on 2 March at 12pm on the farm of Seamus Howard, an organic Dairy farmer in county Clare.
Teagasc organic specialist, Joe Kelleher said; “we are delighted to announce a series of face to face farm walks on Organic demonstrations farms, running from early March right through to 19th July. These 12 organic farmers are located around the country, and have a range of farming enterprises, so it’s an ideal opportunity to come along and see a working organic farm, and to learn from those who are practicing organic farming. I would like to thank all the host farmers for agreeing to invite visitors into their farms.”
More details available on https://www.teagasc.ie/rural-economy/organics/events/#upcomingwalks