Working together for Water Quality
‘Working together for Water Quality’ is the theme for the Teagasc Agricultural Catchments Week 2022 which runs from next Monday, 21 February to Friday, 25 February.
All through next week the Agricultural Catchments Programme (ACP) team will showcase research, collaborative initiatives and measures being implemented on farms to improve Ireland's water quality. Since 2008, the Agricultural Catchments Programme has been working with over 300 landowners in 6 catchments located around the country, monitoring water quality and assessing the impact of changes in Ireland’s Nitrates Action Programme and Nitrates Derogation. The programme has been funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine since its establishment.
Speaking in advance of Agricultural Catchments Week, Bridget Lynch, Agricultural Catchments Programme said; “A broad range of topics will be highlighted, showcasing the work being done by the ACP for the last number of years and some of the organisations it has worked with since 2008. It will feature research, advisory and technical work that the programme continues to deliver in partnership with the catchment farmers. There will be speakers from research, industry, advisory, education and government organisations to demonstrate how the programme findings are being used to improve water quality.”
The content of water quality week will be delivered through a series of written articles, videos and podcast which will be published each day through the Teagasc website and Teagasc corporate social media channels. There will be a different focus for each day:
- Monday 21 February: Overview of Agricultural Catchments Programme
- Tuesday 22 February: Knowledge transfer
- Wednesday 23 February: Water quality research and impact
- Thursday 24 February: Gaseous emissions, nitrogen & white clover research
- Friday 25 February: Agricultural education
See for full details and to access the content each day.
Tom O Connell, Teagasc ACP communications officer said; “Through the Agricultural Catchments Programme and the Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme (ASSAP) Teagasc are working closely with farmers to maintain and improve water quality across the country. During next week we will be providing information on collaborative programmes and best practices to achieve this.”