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Teagasc Beef Conference focuses on improving the Sectors Green Credentials

The theme of this year’s Teagasc National Beef Conference is ‘Improving our Beef Sectors Green Credentials’ to reflect the changing environmental landscape in which farmers play a key role.

The National Beef Conference will take place in the Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe, County Galway on Tuesday, 21 November. The first conference Session commences at 5.00pm and will be chaired by MJ Clery from Midlands 103. It will focus on ‘Implementing Sustainable Technologies on Beef Farms’.

  • Dr Paul Crosson, Beef Enterprise Leader in Teagasc, will outline the recent changes to the Eurostar Breeding Index and how the new Carbon Index could change the breeding policy at farm level.
  • Ellen Fitzpatrick from Teagasc Johnstown Castle describes how to make the most of a low Input/High Output Dairy beef system.
  • Dr Maria Guelbenzu from Animal Health Ireland (AHI) discusses the prevalence of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), and why Ireland needs to move towards a national eradication programme.

The second Session starts at 7.15pm where the theme will be ‘Increasing our Competitive Advantage on the Global Stage’.

This promises to be a very interesting and informative session with several international speakers, and will be chaired by Margaret Donnelly, Editor of the Farming Independent.

  • Dr Siobhan Kavanagh from the Teagasc Signpost Programme examines the main drivers of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) on beef farmers and the steps that farmers can take to reduce them.
  • Anais L’Hote from the French Livestock Institute discusses how farmers can be paid for reducing their carbon footprint based on the experience in France.
  • Rupert Claxton, Livestock Director from GIRA Consultancy (UK), will give an overview of the Global Beef Market and highlight the likely trend for input prices as we move into 2024.

The conference will conclude at 8.45pm and we will have local Teagasc advisors on hand if you want to discuss any scheme or technical issues on the night.

All livestock farmers are invited to attend the Conference, which is free. For further details visit;
