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Teagasc hosts EU conference on new technologies that support European farmers in becoming more efficient and sustainable

The FAIRshare project, an EU Horizon 2020 funded initiative focused on improving the uptake of digital technologies in agriculture, will hold its final conference on the 2nd and 3rd of October 2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The conference will bring together agricultural advisors, researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders to discuss the project's outcomes and their implications for the digitalisation of agriculture in Europe.

"The project has made significant strides increasing the adoption of digital technologies among farmers’ advisors across Europe, and we're excited to share the valuable results of this five-year project, providing opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange,” said Raquel Caetano Ferreira, manager of the FAIRshare project.

“As part of FAIRshare, twenty advisors in the south east of the country were part of this project. They upgraded their Laptop to a Tablet to make using digital tools and advisory services (DATS) easier on farm and to reduce workload and paper as well. Bluetoooth enabled accessories were also obtained to increase usage.  This pilot project worked extremely well to engage farmers and we got better usage of Teagasc DATS,” said Richard O’ Brien Teagasc Regional Advisory Manager in Waterford and Kilkenny.

The central theme of the two-day conference is exploring how the use of digital advisory tools and services can help the adoption of improved farming practices. The event will feature a variety of presentations and panel discussions which, will focus on the learnings from the 42 different pilot projects (User Cases), across 19 European countries, as well as other projects outcomes. The conference will take place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is relevant to people who are interested in digitalisation of services in agriculture. Registration is already possible at the project website at https://www.h2020fairshare.eu/