Beef Farm Infrastructure Handbook
Type Booklet
Updated in July 2022.
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The guiding principal of good farm infrastructure is that it’s safe, and allows for best management practices that are sustainable from an animal welfare, labour efficient, economic and environmental perspective. This handbook is designed to be used as a guide for beef farmers who wish to upgrade their existing farm infrastructure or invest in the establishment of a new farm enterprise.
The handbook covers important areas such as grazing infrastructure, water supply systems, land drainage design and installation and the importance of incorporating biodiversity in the farming system. Grazing infrastructure in relation to roadways, paddock layout and water systems is important in terms of overall herd performance as it can allow more days at grass and therefore greater profitability. The section on land drainage design and installation highlights the importance of carrying out a site and soil test pit investigation prior to installing a drainage system.
In this publication sometimes there are references to commercial suppliers and to products of particular manufacturers. By such reference, it is not intended to indicate that these are the only products, suppliers and materials available; such references are for demonstration purposes only. It is strongly recommended that farmers consult with their advisors before using the information provided.