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CROPS 2030

27 August 2020
Type Report

A strategic plan to deliver environmental and economic sustainability for the Irish Crops Sector.

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The Tillage Sector in Ireland is one with tremendous potential for future growth, especially when you consider the fast evolving environmental and sustainability targets that are being imposed on farmers and the food industry going forward. In addition, changing dietary habits and increasing consumer awareness of food provenance can create opportunities for greater diversification in Irish supply chains, whether they be in primary feed ingredients for the livestock sector or raw materials for the food and drinks industry.

This report aims to give some headline facts about the Irish Tillage Sector, along with some realistic targets and ambitions that could be met over the next 10 years. It has been spearheaded by the external representatives on the Teagasc Tillage Stakeholders Consultative Group. However, the group canvassed the views of key players in Ireland's tillage industry and these views are reflected in this plan. The broadly-based group that compiled this report wish to acknowledge the support provided by Teagasc experts in producing this plan.

The Stakeholder Group are confident the key policy makers, industry representatives, supply industry, research and farmer groups would use this document as a primary point of reference in making policy decision over the coming years. The ultimate aim is to promote a more vibrant, profitable and sustainable tillage sector for all stakeholders with added ancillary benefits to the entire national agri-food economy as a result.