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Donal & Frederique Keane - Organic Farm Walk

07 July 2022
Type Event Proceeding

Event booklet from the Teagasc Organic Suckler to Beef and Cereals Farm Walk of Donal & Frederique Keane, Camelton Stud, Summerhill, Co. Meath, which took place on Wednesday, 15th June 2022.

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On Wednesday, 15th June, Organic Suckler to Beef and Cereals farmers Donal & Frederique Keane, Camelton Stud, Summerhill, Co. Meath hosted a Teagasc Organic Farm Walk to which anyone with an interest in the organic sector was invited.  

Donal and Frederique Keane who along with their daughters Pauline and Marie and son John farm in Camelton Stud.

There has always been cattle and tillage enterprises on the farm. In 2010 having sat down at the end of the year and taking a look at the overall costs of their farming systems compared to the returns, the Keane’s started looking to see was there any other options for them going forward.

On meeting a local organic farmer, who gave him an overview of the organic farming system, Donal began looking at organic farming as an option and saw it as an opportunity to improve the overall financial position of the farm. The Keanes also recognised the environmental benefits of organic farming.

After careful consideration and having completed the Teagasc FETAC Organic Farming course and visiting other organic farms, the farm entered organic conversion in 2011 with full organic status for the land and produce being achieved in 2013. 

On the farm today is a cereal enterprise of winter wheat and spring oats, a suckler to beef enterprise.

Topics discussed at the farm walk included:

  • Organic Cereal Enterprise
  • Soil Nutrients and Manure Management
  • Livestock Enterprise
  • Hens
  • Grassland Management
  • Animal Welfare in Organic Farming
  • Organic Animal Housing Standards
  • Profitable Organic Production
  • Keys to Financial Performance
  • Heritage Wheat Trial 2020

Find all the details in the booklet at the link above.