Environment Newsletter - February 2022
14 February 2022
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In this month's edition:
- Dates for your diary
- February 22: closing date for 2022 Green Low-carbon Agri-environment Scheme (GLAS) traditional farm building grant scheme.
- March 1: start of the bird nesting season; no more hedge cutting; no prescribed burning in the uplands; no more cutting of Results-based Environment Agri-pilot Programme (REAP) field margins; and, no more cutting of GLAS arable margins.
- March 15: no topping of GLAS Low-Input Grassland until July 1; no topping of GLAS Traditional Hay Meadow until after mowing (after July 1); and, animals can access GLAS Wild Bird Cover crops (unless second year of a two-year mix) to aid decomposition.
- March 31: no more planting of REAP hedges and trees.
- Message from Signpost - Fertiliser part of the climate solution
Climate change is perhaps the greatest challenge facing the world right now. Farmers can be a part of the solution! What are you doing on your farm to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? - Message from ASSAP - Plan slurry application carefully
Plan how best to apply nutrients from slurry in the coming weeks and months from an economic, productivity and environmental viewpoint. With higher chemical fertiliser prices, the value of organic fertilisers has also increased, with 1,000 gallons of slurry nearly doubling in value and now worth €54. - EIP Update - Lessons from SUAS: people working together
The Sustainable Uplands Agri-Environment Scheme (SUAS) in the Wicklow/Dublin uplands has important lessons for both agri-environment schemes and also for new European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) in the next Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). - New farm hedge competition
If you have planted a new hedge on your farm this winter, take a photo to enter the competition. The winning photo will receive a roll of compostable film for weed control in newly planted hedges – sponsored by Maizetech. Enter on www.teagasc.ie/newfarmhedgecomp