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National Pig Herd Performance Report 2021

27 May 2022
Type Report

The National Pig Herd Performance Report 2021, produced by the Teagasc Pig Development Department, is the detailed analysis of the performance of the pig farms that participated in the Teagasc Profit Monitor (PM) recording system in 2021.

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The data available and included in this analysis is from a total of 79 herds representing over 62,000 sows or 43% of the total Irish sow herd. The average herd size included in this database is 790 sows and ranged from less than 100 sows to over 2,500 sows.

The performance parameters in this report are the weighted average (weighted by the herd size) of the participating herds. This weighting is done to make allowance for the large range in herd size of the participating herds. Herds participating in the PM recording system and engaging with the advisory support of the staff of the Teagasc Pig Development Department continue to demonstrate improvements in technical performance each year.

The report also includes some analysis of production costs in a number of the participating herds. An increase in participation in this aspect of the system may well provide a more accurate picture of the actual costs across the sector. There are indications that those herds that routinely record the full costs of production are the herds with the highest levels of technical efficiency. This would suggest that these herds have lower costs of production than herds which do not check their costs of production routinely.

The Teagasc Pig Development Department always welcome more herds to participate in benchmarking using the PM. Any new herds that wish to participate should contact any of the Knowledge Transfer personnel listed on the inside cover of this booklet.

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