Soils, Nutrients and Fertiliser Factsheets
26 January 2022
Type Factsheet
Type Factsheet
A compendium of 20 factsheets providing the latest technical advice on soils, nutrients and fertiliser
Farmers are urged to focus on Nutrient management planning, optimisation of soil fertility, using organic manures strategically and increasing clover in swards, all balanced with prudent fertiliser usage.
- Soil Sampling and Analysis (PDF)
- Advice on Liming (PDF)
- Organic Manure (PDF)
- Managing Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) (PDF)
- Protected Urea (PDF)
- White Clover (PDF)
- Nitrogen for Beef Farms (PDF)
- Nitrogen for Dairy Farms (PDF)
- Fertiliser on Sheep farms (PDF)
- Fertilising for First Cut Grass Silage (PDF)
- Planning for Fodder Stocks (PDF)
- Fertiliser Advice for Cereals (PDF)
- Spring Malting Barley (PDF)
- Spring Beans (PDF)
- Fertiliser Spreader - Basic Setup and Calibration (PDF)
- Fertiliser Spreader - Tray test and field procedure (PDF)
- Weights & Measures (PDF)
- Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) Online (PDF)
- PastureBase Ireland (PDF)
- Safety when Spreading Fertiliser (PDF)