Today's Farm - May/June 2022
04 May 2022
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Focus on Teagasc Grange research
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Teagasc Grange beef research and Beef 2022 open day preview:
- Supporting sustainable beef farming (PDF)
- Multi-species swards and slaughter age reduction (PDF)
- Production of beef from an all-grass forage diet (PDF)
- Grazing research: Effect of post-grazing sward height on beef cattle performance (PDF)
- Does twinning have a role for suckler beef systems? (PDF)
- Additives reducing methane emissions (PDF)
- Native grains and proteins (PDF)
- Insights into the sexual development of cattle (PDF)
- Suckler calf health and welfare (PDF)
- Tackling bovine respiratory disease (PDF)
- The single challenge with BRD viruses in calves (PDF)
- Dairy-beef: producing an in-spec carcass sooner (PDF)
- Concrete versus rubber covered slats (PDF)
- Striving for superior silage (PDF)
Health & Safety:
- Act now if fodder is tight (PDF)
- Putting nutrient management plans into action in the south-west (PDF)
- Education powers careers in the dairy farming sector (PDF)
- Silage walls: consider safety and capacity (PDF)
Business Management:
- Teagasc/UCD Michael Smurfit Business School course in Business Strategy (PDF)
- Control what you can (PDF)
Botanic Gardens: