TResearch Autumn 2022
Type Magazine
Clearing the air - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the agriculture sector is a priority for our researchers
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In this edition:
Team Spotlight
Measuring methane - Teagasc researchers are establishing a technique that allows them to rank sheep based on methane output, in order to generate breeding values for methane production.
Getting to know
Getting to know Cristina Botinestean - Food Technologist Cristina Botinestean grew up in Romania but now lives in Ireland and works at the Teagasc Food Research Centre. Here, we find out where her passion for food science comes from, and why she chose to work at Teagasc in order to carry it out.
Inside industry collaboration - Teagasc’s Food Chemistry and Technology department works closely with the food and dairy industry, providing key players with research that underpins their success. Here, Head of Food Chemistry and Technology John Tobin provides an insight into Teagasc’s motivations for working with industry and the benefits it offers.
External Insight
The future of protein production - The use of precision fermentation to produce proteins is on the rise in the food industry, so what does this mean for the livestock industry?
One Step Ahead
Finding alternative ways to treat bovine mastitis - Growing pathogen resistance to antibiotics has led researchers to explore the use of probiotic and postbiotic formulations in treating mastitis in dairy cattle.
Events: my take-home message - Teagasc’s researchers attend many events throughout the year, sharing the findings from their research with national and international audiences. Here, we capture the take-home messages – key pieces of information that our researchers want people to remember – from recent events.
Photo Finish
Also in this edition
Improving accuracy in breeding - Information derived from analyses of livestock DNA has proven to be more accurate than traditional pedigree information, providing benefits to breeding.
Look but don’t touch: pig development - By studying milk, faeces and saliva, researchers at Teagasc, the University of Leon and the University of Murcia are gaining a better understanding of piglets – without even touching them.
Going organic in Ireland - The EU’s Farm to Fork strategy aims to increase organic food production; knowing why consumers purchase organic foods will be essential if it is to be successful.
Meet the Scholars - The Teagasc Walsh Scholarships Programme offers fantastic opportunities for postgraduate students wishing to pursue a PhD. For a better insight into what it is like to do a PhD, we spoke to several Walsh Scholars to hear their experiences and what they have learned.
In the weeds - Teagasc researchers have conducted a unique survey determining the level of the grass weed challenge in Ireland.
Enhancing the multi-actor approach - Teagasc social scientists have produced evaluation and impact assessment tools to support innovation-driven collaboration between actors.
Food safety in dairy environments - Researchers at Teagasc and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria, are identifying the bacteria present in dairy processing environments to evaluate their impact on the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.
White clover: a sustainable alternative to nitrogen - Introducing white clover into perennial ryegrass swards can sustainably increase milk production while maintaining grass production, reducing the need for inorganic nitrogen.
Health help from kelp - A common native Irish kelp species could offer a promising preventative remedy for high blood pressure.
Supporting sustainable beef farming - Experts from Teagasc have been exploring ways to help beef farms meet both economic and environmental targets. Having shared their findings at BEEF2022 – Teagasc’s Beef Open Day – here, they recap the key technical messages beef farmers need to know.
Paving the whey towards a circular bioeconomy - Teagasc researchers are collaborating with Munster Technological University (MTU), Ireland, and Lund University, Sweden, to transform dairy waste into value-added and environmentally sustainable products.
Unlocking protein potential in Ireland - Teagasc researchers are exploring sustainable crop- and marine-based protein resources to create new opportunities for the agriculture and food sector in Ireland.