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Underpinning Organics - Abstracts of Teagasc Research

01 April 2022
Type Booklet

This booklet contains abstracts of some of the Teagasc research that is relevant for the organic sector. It is just a snap-shot of a rapidly growing research area that will be expanded on in the medium to long-term as the needs of this growing sector unfold.

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A considerable effort is required to achieve the government Organic Strategy target to increase organic production in Ireland from 2% to 7.5% of utilisable agricultural area by 2027. Teagasc has a key role in these efforts, in relation to knowledge transfer, education and research to underpin the development of the organic sector in Ireland. We are committed to increasing the resources allocated to assisting the development of the organic sector in Ireland.

Teagasc is in the process of building additional specialised organic expertise, to upskill both advisers and farmers in relation to organic principles and technologies, to help to achieve the ambitious organic targets. In terms of research, Teagasc is undertaking a strategic review of the longterm research needs of the sector. In the short-term, we have collated abstracts of some of the Teagasc research that is relevant for the organic sector.

View abstracts below

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