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Pig Newsletter - February 2023

24 February 2023
Type Newsletter

Download publication: Teagasc Pig Newsletter Feb 2023 (PDF)

In this month's edition:

  • Shiv Vasa & Peadar Lawlor share results from the MonoGutHealth project, which tested strategies to increase early post-weaning feed intake. They found that supplementing milk replacer to newly weaned pigs along with a dry pelleted starter diet for 11 days post-weaning increased feed intake and growth during the early post-weaning period, read the full article for more details.
  • Keelin O’Driscoll tells us about a new project which aims to provide a means to capture value associated with intrinsic and extrinsic quality of the whole pork carcass from a sustainable pork system, supporting successful diversification of the pork chain.
  • Ciarán Carroll & Marcella Phelan tell us about the five new Apprenticeship Programmes currently being developed by Teagasc, two of which directly relate to pig production, more information later in the newsletter