Teagasc National Farm Survey 2022
Type Report
In this Final National Farm Survey Report for 2022, the sample is representative of a population of 85,860 farms in Ireland. It was compiled by Emma Dillon, Trevor Donnellan, Brian Moran and John Lennon, Agricultural Economics and Farm Surveys Department, Teagasc, Athenry, Co. Galway.
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Teagasc collects farm data through the National Farm Survey, principally in fulfilment of Ireland’s obligation as a member of the European Union. However, the National Farm Survey has evolved over the years to produces a comprehensive list of measures relating to farm sustainability, covering economic, social and environmental performance metrics.
This report focusses mainly on the economic sustainability of Irish agriculture. A dedicated Sustainability Report covering the wider suite of sustainability metrics will be produced later in the year.
The results of the Teagasc National Farm Survey (NFS) can be decomposed in various ways. One of the most common ways in which the results are presented is on a system basis. By system, the NFS farms are categorised into one of six farm types: Dairy, Cattle Rearing, Cattle Other, Sheep, Tillage and Mixed Livestock. Given that individual farms typically have more than one farm enterprise, a rigorous basis for categorising farms into each system is required. The method of classifying farms into farming systems, is based on the EU farm typology, as set out in Commission Decision 78/463 and its subsequent amendments. The approach is utilised by all members of the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).
The presentations can be accessed below
Teagasc National Farm Survey 2022 Results Interactive Presentation