'Winter Herd Management' Online Event
Type Event Proceeding
A DairyBeef 500 'Winter Herd Management' online event took place on Thursday, 26 October, in association with AgriLand. The webinar was chaired by Briefne O’Brien, Technical Beef Specialist, AgriLand and featured Alan Dillon, Teagasc DairyBeef 500 Programme Manager; Cara Sheridan, MSD Animal Health Ireland Technical Vet; and Aidan Maguire, DairyBeef 500 programme farmer.
Alan Dillon presented on feeding and non-feed factors at housing, covering topics such as feeding levels for different quality silages and non feed factors.
Cara Sheridan presented on health at housing, covering topics such as vaccinations and parasite control pre and post housing.
A panel discussion took place at the end of the webinars, which featured Alan Dillon, Cara Sheridan and Aidan Maguire.
Watch webinar recording below
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