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Beef Newsletter - December 2024

09 December 2024
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In this month's edition:

  • Body condition scoring
    Assessing the body condition score (BCS) of suckler cows is fundamental to managing a successful herd. Regularly monitoring BCS at critical stages throughout the year enables targeted management to optimise performance and reduce costs. BCS is measured on a scale of 0 to 5.
  • Take stock
    As we approach the end of the year and start planning for next year, now is a good time to take stock of what you have achieved in 2024 and what adjustments need to be made in 2025.
  • Think before you buy
    During our recent Getting Winter Ready farm walks, one of the most discussed topics was selecting the right product to treat cattle for liver fluke. This year, as with last, the wet weather across the country has left few farms – if any – able to skip fluke treatments after housing.
  • Take a break
    At this year’s National Beef Conference, Shane Pearson delivered an outstanding talk on building resilience into our daily lives. He emphasised that being more resilient enables us to better handle the challenges life throws our way and approach stress in a more positive manner.
  • Research Update - Nitrogen rate effect
    E.G. O’Riordan, M.J. Kelly, S. Burke and M. McGee of Teagasc Grange, Co. Meath report on the effect of nitrogen fertiliser application rate on herbage yield and sward white clover content. Grass-white clover swards comprised of perennial ryegrass (Aberchoice, 25kg/ha) and white clover (Aberherald, 5kg/ha) were established in autumn 2018 at Teagasc Grange.
  • Health & Safety - Staying safe over Christmas
    The Christmas holidays will see children spending more time out and about. If children are out on the farm, they must always be supervised. This time of year can be a great opportunity to talk to them about the dangers of a farm.
    The risk of fire also increases during Christmas. Give preventing fires in your home and on your farm special attention during this period. It’s important that safety is kept to the fore in everyone’s minds over the festive period.