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Carbon Conference - Counting Carbon: Science and Practice

20 June 2024
Type Event Proceeding

On Thursday, 20th June in Teagasc, Ashtown leading experts came together to explore innovative approaches to carbon farming. The conference aimed to bridge the gap between theory and application in carbon counting, and delve into both the science and practice behind this crucial aspect of sustainable agriculture.

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Worldwide, Ireland is recognised for producing high quality food with a very low carbon footprint i.e. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of product. Nevertheless, the industry is a major emitter, with the agriculture sector alone making up ~38% of our national GHG emissions. Currently, the sector is tackling the major challenge of staying within the sectoral emission ceilings established for it in the National Climate Action Plan.

The concept of carbon farming is quite new in Ireland. In Europe, it is typically described as a green business model to reward farmers and land managers for limiting climate change through increasing carbon removals and cutting GHG emissions from soils.

During this conference, our speakers investigate innovative approaches to farming carbon. They bridge the gap between theory and application in carbon counting by delving into the science and practice behind this
important facet of sustainable agriculture.