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Managing Weaning begins now

26 July 2024
Type Media Article

By Cathal Gormley, B & T Drystock Advisor, Teagasc Galway/Clare

On many spring calving farms with breeding coming to a close focus will be turning to getting calves ready for upcoming weanling sales in September/October. Most farms will have their target sale picked to sell their weanlings in. With the difficult year 2024 has been for grass growth, all farmers should be doing a silage budget to access where there supply is at, on farms where cattle have been traditionally kept over the winter if supplies of quality forage are tight considering selling some young stock before the winter could be a viable option to reduce demand. It’s over the next few weeks these decisions need to be made to maximise the potential return form these cattle by having them in the optimum condition for sale.

With grass supplies tight this summer some farmers have already started feeding concentrates to calves to prevent loss of daily live weight gain. Feeding concentrate pre and post weaning is very important to allow the calf develop its rumen, this reduces the shock to their system when they stop receiving milk from their dams. Practices such as creep grazing ahead of cows not only allows calves eat the best grass it also helps break the bond with their mother, again reducing weaning stress when they are fully split.

2024 Beef Welfare Scheme:

Many suckler farmers will be familiar with these scheme from previous years, all suckler farms should be considering this scheme as both actions are of benefit with most farmers’ doing them anyway. The 2024 Beef Welfare Scheme will support farmers in meal feeding suckler calves before & after weaning, and in vaccinating against Clostridial diseases & calf pneumonia. The meal feeding action is mandatory for the scheme, Participants must indicate at the time of application if they wish to avail of the support for the vaccination measure. Farmers should consult their veterinary surgeon on which vaccination programme to implement on their farm. All farmers with suckler calves are eligible for this Scheme whether they are selling as weanlings or wintering their own calves for the 2024 winter.

Eligible calves are born in the period 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024.

For Action 1, Meal Feeding – it must commence 4 weeks pre weaning and be maintained for a period of 2 weeks post weaning to reduce stress on calves are weaning can be very stressful where the calves have to adapt their diet away from milk.

For Action 2, Vaccination – veterinary advice is advisable as to which program to implement, it is very important to get the best immunity in calves to follow to guidelines of what vaccine is chosen. These dates could be different to meal feeding so ensure a plan is put in place to have calves vaccinated prior to weaning to minimise loss of daily gain & maximise immunity.

The Scheme has a maximum payment of 40 calves, farmers must complete the actions for whatever number they submit under the scheme.

Meal feeding has a payment of €35 a head up to 40 calves with a potential of €1400 to be gained from this action. Vaccination action is optional, it has a payment of €15 a head, even in cases where both vaccines are given, with a further €600 potentially available to any farmer with 40 calves. The total scheme payment is €2000, of course with all schemes, this is subject to the number who apply.  For a smaller farmer with 20 cows this scheme is worth €1000 provided they complete both actions.

Autumn born calves are eligible and the Minister has confirmed this provided the actions are completed, in some unfortunate cases where calves were sold not vaccinated prior to selling they will not be eligible to the €15 payment under Action 2. Farmers can submit applications to the Scheme via Agfood at the start of August, alternatively they can contact their Advisors who can submit on their behalf.

Date for your Diary:

A BETTER Sheep Farm Walk will take place on the farm of Tomas O Toole, Maumfin, Moyard, Clifden, Co. Galway – Eircode - H91 PXN2 on Thursday, 8th August commencing at 7.00pm

Topics to be covered include:

  • Farm Performance
  • Breeding Ram Selection - Hill & Lowland
  • Lamb Finishing Options
  • Flock Health