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Soil Sampling Requirements

28 February 2024
Type Media Article

John Enda Flannelly, ACRES Advisor, Teagasc Claremorris.

Soil sampling is an essential part of farming. It is the most important stage in managing soil fertility. Soil test results can be used to assess and monitor soil nutrient levels. Soil sample results provide the basis for lime, manure and fertiliser applications required. Between now and early March represents the optimum time to take a soil sample, before any slurry or fertiliser is applied.

These results will provide farmers with an up-to-date picture as to how much or how little fertiliser will be required.  The results should also be used to identify which type of fertilisers would be most suitable to your soils. These new soil sample results should be compared with past results to determine changes or consistencies in soil fertility. These results will allow you to

  1. Apply nutrients where they are required
  2. Avoid wasting nutrients by applying them where they are not needed
  3. Avoid causing a pollution risk by applying excessive nutrients to a field where they are not required.
  4. Achieve maximum growth rates by having optimal soil fertility i.e. a soil pH of 6.2 - 6.5, and Index 3 for Phosphorous and Potassium.


Any farmer that was approved in the ACRES tranche 1 scheme, whether you are in the Co-operation or General scheme, must have soil samples taken on their farms. The requirements in relation to this soil sampling is in the ACRES terms and conditions.  All non-commonage land declared on the applicant’s 2023 BISS application must be sampled and analysed. A farmer must have a soil sample every five hectares of land up to 40 hectares. The maximum area per sample is 5 hectares.  

As commonage lands have no chemical fertiliser allowance in ACRES, there is no requirement to soil sample these lands. Also, lands in which there is no chemical or organic fertiliser applied may be exempt from soil sampling. In this situation a declaration outlining why these lands have not been sampled must be submitted by an approved ACRES advisor

Only samples taken on or after the 01/01/2022 will be considered valid for Tranche 1 participants. If you have soil samples taken for another scheme since 01/01/2022, the results from these soil samples will also be valid. Some of these schemes may include, the DAFM Pilot Soil Sampling Programme, Nitrates Derogation or the Liming Programme.

Valid soil sample results or Soil sample exemption forms must be uploaded on the ACRES system by 15th May 2024. These results or forms must be uploaded by your ACRES Advisor. If these soil sample results or forms are not submitted, this may lead to termination from the ACRES scheme and clawbacks of monies previously paid.

Farms stocked >130kgs N/ha

If a farmer has a stocking rate greater than 130Kgs organic nitrogen per hectare, it is compulsory for them to take soil samples. This stocking rate is calculated as the total annual nitrogen (kgs) excreted by grazing livestock averaged over the net grassland area. Farmers need these samples to show their requirement for phosphorus. If they do not have these samples, the phosphorus will be assumed as index 4. This means that farmers in this scenario will have no phosphorus allowance, and will not be allowed to spread any chemical phosphorus or import any slurry. There may be a risk of a penalty situation for breach of phosphorus levels for their farm. The maximum area per sample is 5 hectares. Soil samples for Nitrates are valid for 4 years. Any sample taken from the 15/09/2020 is valid for 2024. Any soil sample taken before that date is not valid and the farm will need to be re-sampled.