Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
The Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research is a peer reviewed, open access, scientific journal published by Teagasc (Agriculture and Food Development Authority, Ireland). The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges and copyright remains with the authors.
Submit papers to the Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research here.
Visit the Journal's website here
Manuscripts on any aspect of research with direct relevance to Irish agriculture and food production are considered for publication, including; plant and animal sciences, food science, agri-environmental science, soils, engineering, buildings, economics and sociology.
The work must demonstrate novelty and relevance to the field of research. Papers published or offered for publication elsewhere will not be considered, but the publication of an abstract does not preclude the publication of the full paper in this journal.
In line with top international standards in academic publishing, the Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research is fully online and open access. The journal uses the Editorial Manager (Aries) submission and tracking system. Papers are freely available online and distributed digitally by Sciendo to indexing and abstracting databases and thousands of libraries worldwide. Papers are plagiarism checked and references are live-linked using CrossRef/Web of Science.
The editorial committee welcomes all submissions. Readers can sign up for e-TOC alerts and also share papers via social media on the journal’s website.
View the latest journal issue (2015-present) and submit manuscripts through the journal’s website. Please read author guidelines before submitting manuscripts.
Back issues of the journal are available on the JSTOR repository.
Current title:
Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (1992-Present)
Previous titles:
Irish Journal of Agricultural Research (1961-1991)
Irish Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (1967-1991)
Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology (1977-1991)
The Journal can also be viewed on Teagasc’s repository (T-stór)
Follow the Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research on Twitter: @IJAFR_Teagasc