Teagasc Manuals
Teagasc manuals are designed to be a user-friendly source of practical information. Certainly not books where you start at the beginning and read through to the end. Dip into the contents to answer questions as they arise during the year.
![Teagasc Dairy Manual](/media/website/publications/2016/Dairy-Manual-Cover-220px.jpg)
Teagasc Dairy Manual
Download the Teagasc Dairy Manual (Revised in 2016). The Teagasc Dairy Manual is designed to be a user-friendly source of practical information for anyone with an interest in the business of producing milk. It is certainly not a book where you start at the beginning and read through to the end. Dip into the contents to answer questions as they arise during the year.
![Teagasc Beef Manual](/media/website/publications/2016/Beef-Manual-Cover-220px.jpg)
Teagasc Beef Manual
Download the Teagasc Beef Manual (Revised in 2016). The Teagasc Beef Manual is designed to be a user-friendly source of practical information for anyone with an interest in the business of producing beef. The content of the Teagasc Beef Manual is built on rigorous scientific research and sound business principles which each reader can apply to his farm’s unique business and physical circumstances.
![Teagasc Manual on Drainage and Soil Management 2nd Edition](/media/website/publications/2016/Drainage-Manual-Cover-220px.jpg)
Teagasc Manual on Drainage and Soil Management 2nd Edition
The Teagasc Manual on Drainage and Soil Management is laid out to quickly provide answers for readers seeking information on any aspect of drainage or soil management. Each section begins with a brief introduction and a list of the questions addressed within it. The questions are repeated in the section to ensure easy ‘navigation’. The manual can be purchased for €40. To order please contact Oakpark Reception on +353 (0)59 9170200 or Email to info@teagasc.ie Discount available to Teagasc Clients
![Teagasc Calf Rearing Manual](/media/website/publications/2017/Teagasc-Calf-Rearing-Manual-220px.jpg)
Teagasc Calf Rearing Manual
Download the Teagasc Calf Rearing Manual. Best practice from birth to three months.