TResearch: Communicating Science
Scientific research will be one of the key drivers of the knowledge-based economy in Ireland in the future. The need for effective communication of research and the promotion of science is more important then ever, if young people are to be attracted to study science and to pursue a career in research. TResearch aims to disseminate to a wider audience some of the important scientific work being undertaken in Teagasc and in other collaborating research institutions.
It is now more essential than ever that Irish scientists engage in a genuine dialogue with the public so that the latter can better understand, support, and indeed challenge, the science that is being undertaken while, at the same time, helping scientists understand public interests and concerns.
As the national body responsible for agri-food research in Ireland, Teagasc has a statutory responsibility to disseminate its research findings to key stakeholders. TResearch is a popular science publication aimed at meeting this need. While the primary aim is to communicate Teagasc research, the magazine also aims to improve the public awareness and understanding of agri-food research generally.
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Subscribe on LinkedInTResearch Winter 2024
More than "meats" the eye
TResearch Autumn 2024
Water-course correction
TResearch Summer 2024
Securing your future
TResearch Spring 2024
It's the yeast we could do
TResearch Winter 2023
Rising to the challenge
TResearch Autumn 2023
Putting the pieces together
TResearch Summer 2023
Cream of the crop - Meet the researchers discovering the future of alternative growth media for mushrooms
TResearch Spring 2023
A piece of the Action - Teagasc has launched its Climate Action Strategy 2022-2030, including new measures to reduce emissions
TResearch Winter 2022
Better by design - Our researchers are using novel technologies to enhance the health and wellness benefits of foods
TResearch Autumn 2022
Clearing the air - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the agriculture sector is a priority for our researchers
TResearch Summer 2022
Picture of health - Researchers are leading work to improve the health and happiness of animals on farms, as public interest in animal welfare increases
TResearch Spring 2022
Put to good use - Researchers are using innovative processes and consumer insights to help combat food waste
TResearch Autumn/Winter 2021
Food for thought
TResearch Summer 2021
The Living Soil
TResearch Spring 2021
Grass Roots: 70 Years of Grassland Research
TResearch Winter 2020
Acoustic sensors for monitoring dairy processes
TResearch Autumn 2020
The future of the CAP – a view from the farm
TResearch Summer 2020
RLS: another disease for barley to contend with
TResearch Spring 2020
Searching for a cure
TResearch Winter 2019
Finding future farmers
TResearch Autumn 2019
Agricultural Catchments Programme
TResearch Summer 2019
Virtual Irish Centre for Crop Improvement
TResearch Spring 2019
Vitamin D in Cattle
TResearch Winter 2018
Bacteriophages in Food Production
TResearch Autumn 2018
The Future of Food
TResearch Summer 2018
Prepared Consumer Foods Innovation
TResearch Spring 2018
Transforming data - Decision Support Tools for Farmers
TResearch Winter 2017
Visionary research - images that bring research to life
TResearch Autumn 2017
Waste2Fuels - creating next generation biofuels
TResearch: Summer 2017
RAMIRAN 2017: Teagasc to host international conference
TResearch: Spring 2017
Social Media: can it connect science and society?
TResearch: Winter 2016
Returns on afforestation of agricultural land
TResearch: Autumn 2016
Dairy processing research - technology highlights
TResearch: Summer 2016
Beef 2016 - Profitable Technologies
TResearch: Spring 2016
Communicating the bioeconomy through images
TResearch: Winter 2015
Sustainable food and nutrition security
TResearch: Autumn 2015
Harnessing innovation in horticulture
TResearch: Summer 2015
Sustainable dairy expansion
TResearch: Spring 2015
Healthy ageing: diet and lifestyle might hold the key to eternal youth
TResearch: Winter 2014
Understanding Campylobacter - the €2.4 billion bug
TResearch: Autumn 2014
Irish Soil Information System goes live
TResearch: Summer 2014
International Year of Family Farming
TResearch: Spring 2014
Modelling pests in a changing climate
TResearch: Winter 2013
Monitoring grass from space
TResearch: Autumn 2013
A galaxy within us - A special focus on our gut microbiota and how it can be programmed by food
TResearch: Summer 2013
Greenhouse Gases & Animal Agriculture Conference
TResearch: Spring 2013
Promoting phosphorus in soils
TResearch: Winter 2012
Introducing T-stór – Teagasc’s new open access repository
TResearch: Autumn 2012
The great debate on the battle to feed a changing planet
TResearch: Summer 2012
Science supporting Ireland’s agri-food indistry - Teagasc @ ESOF2012
TResearch: Spring 2012
Milk quality - increasing production while maintaining standards
TResearch: Winter 2011
Improving farm safety – getting inside the mind of animals
TResearch: Autumn 2011
Energy crops – achieving a balance
TResearch: Summer 2011
Molecular gastronomy
TResearch: Spring 2011
microRNAs - a quantum leap for biology
TResearch: Winter 2010
Growing grass for a green biorefinery – an option for Ireland?
TResearch: Autumn 2010
Waste not, want not: producing compost from waste
TResearch: Summer 2010
Reducing salt in ready meals
TResearch: Spring 2010
Mapping Ireland’s soils
TResearch: Winter 2009
International pathogenic Escherichia coli conference
TResearch: Autumn 2009
Discovering subsurface denitrification
TResearch: Summer 2009
THE IRISH DAIRY INDUSTRY: Challenges and opportunities
TResearch: Spring 2009
Bioencapsulation – creating a safe haven for sensitive ingredients
TResearch: Winter 2008
Herbivore hitchhikers
TResearch: Autumn 2008
Producing better beef
TResearch: Summer 2008
Celebrating fifty years of scientific research
TResearch: Spring 2008
Unlocking farm forest potential
TResearch: Winter 2007
Lough Melvin: working together to protect a unique environment
TResearch: Autumn 2007
Putting a value on access to farmland
TResearch: Summer 2007
Plight of the bumblebee
TResearch: Spring 2007
Breeding new potato varieties
TResearch: Winter 2006
Cream of the crop - Improving food quality through novel processing technologies