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Contract Forage Cropping

Contract cropping is an arrangement where a tillage farmer enters into a contract with a livestock farmer to grow a forage crop such as Maize or Fodder Beet. Tillage farmers have the expertise and in many cases the machinery to grow high quality forage crops. This type of arrangement enables livestock farmers to focus on their grass based systems while having the benefits of a high quality forage crop as part of their annual feed budget. It is highly recommended that livestock farmers complete a forward budget to establish their winter feed requirements in advance of entering into a contract cropping arrangement.

This specimen agreement has been prepared with maize or beet in mind and identifies the key areas for discussion between the grower and the purchaser. Farmers are advised to seek the advice of their agricultural advisor to help them complete the terms of their bespoke agreement. The agreement identifies key areas including: the farmers involved, a three stage payment structure: the lands involved and the details of the crop that is grown.