Farm Yard & Buildings
Visibility - care should be taken when entering and exiting the farm entrance. Hedging should be well clipped back and timely warning given of work in progress. Yards should be kept clean, tidy and clutter free.
Parking machinery safely should be adhered to at all times. Adequate farm yard lighting is essential in areas used after dark.
Materials and machinery should be stored carefully.
Trips & Falls
20% of farm accidents could be eliminated without any financial cost, if work places were clean, tidy and clutter free. Tidy farmyards reduce accident risks
Drowning in slurry and water tanks and gas poisoning has caused 18 deaths in the past 10 years.
- Agitation points should be located outside of the building.
- Agitate slurry on windy days if possible.
- Always ventilate the house.
- Remove all people & stock.
- Do not enter house for 30 to 40 minutes after agitation commences.
- Never enter slurry tanks.
- Secure access points when spreading slurry.
- Manhole covers will be kept in place and replaced if damaged
Read our leaflet on Safe Slurry Handling
Chemicals may cause death or serious injury in different ways
The effects may range from irritation, allergy and poisoning, permanent damage to internal organs and death.
- All chemicals should be kept in a lock up store
- They should be correctly labelled Hazard Labelling & Packaging according to the CLP Regulation (PDF)
- Handled by a competent person.
- No one under 16 years should handle chemicals.
- All recommendations should be strictly followed in the handling and storage of chemicals.
- Equipment used should be maintained in safe working order e.g. nap sack sprayers etc.
- Protective equipment of suitable quality should be used.
- Wash hands and exposed skin immediately after use.
- Dispose of containers in a safe eco friendly way.
Ladders should never be used if there is a safer way of doing the job.
- Always have the ladder on sound footing when in use
- It should be at an angle of 75°
- The ladder should be secured (by tying, or with weights or held by a person)
- Extend one meter above where work is carried out
- Store at ground level or on wall brackets when not in use.
- Operators must be familiar with the chainsaw.
- It must be sharpened and maintained according with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- When refuelling, shut off the engine, leave to cool, refuel in a well ventilated area.
- Keep hot exhaust from flammable materials.
- When using the Chainsaw the operator must wear: shield, hearing defenders, chainsaw trousers, jacket and gloves chainsaw Safety Boots/Wellingtons.
- Never over-reach or cut above shoulder height.
- Keep bystanders out of the area.
- Clear work area before starting.
Power Tools
- Only experienced people should operate power tools.
- Stop equipment before making adjustments.
- Use PPE as appropriate for the different tools.
- Store PPE safely and in good condition.
- Keep floors tidy and clutter free.
- Clean up oil and grease spills.
- Put tools and equipment back in their proper place after use.
- Store out of the reach of children.
- Supports should always be used when working under machinery.
- Make sure you are familiar with the gun
- Service regularly
- Check that gun is unloaded
- Make sure you have the correct ammunition and that it is undamaged
- Only load a shotgun when you expect to take a shot in the immediate future
- Store your gun and ammunition in different places
- Always carry guns unloaded in vehicles
- Always use ear protection
- New Application form required to get gun license