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  • Crush Injuries and Mental Health on Farms

    This video is of Aengus Mannion who was crushed by a teleporter. It also touches on the mental health issues that can arise following a serious accident.

  • Survivor Stories - David Butler

    When felling trees always hire a professional. It might just save your life. David explains how he is 'lucky to be alive' after sustaining life threatening injuries when a tree felling exercise went horribly wrong

  • Survivor Stories - Ann Doherty

    Always be aware of risks with livestock - Ann describes how she survived an attack by a bull.

  • Farm Safety - Cow Attack

    Livestock attacks maim and kill farmers every year in Ireland. In this dramatic film, Laois dry stock farmer, Dominic Leonard talks about how a cow, protecting her calf, attacked and crushed him against a wall causing severe head injuries and nearly taking his life.