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Machinery Calibration

Calibration of your machinery is an important task in order to ensure the correct volume of slurry or fertiliser is being applied. We have compiled a number of simple calculators which can be used directly from your phone to help with the task. The calculators are easy to use and will work for any make or model of machine.

Slurry tanker calibration

This calculator lets you quickly setup and calibrated the slurry application rate. It will work with any type of slurry tanker applicator. To use the tool simply time how long it takes to empty a full tanker of slurry, then use the sliders in the tool to input this time along with the size of tanker and the working width. Then input the application rate you want and the calculator will give you the forward speed needed to achieve this application rate.

Access the Slurry Calibration Tool here.

Fertiliser calibration

Fertiliser spreader calibration is a very important task. There are a range of apps available for certain makes and models of spreaders and it is advised that if there is one available for your machine then you should download and use it. Unfortunately not all machines will have apps available and this tool has been developed to help people using such machines to calibrate their machine. Simply use the sliders to input the information such as forward speed, working width and desired application rate and the calculator will give the flow rate for the fertiliser spreader. You can then check your actual flow rate by collecting fertiliser from the machine for a period of 1 minute and compare your output. Adjust the fertiliser shutter position if needed and check again.

Access the tool here: Fertiliser caibration

Slurry tank capacity

This tool allows you to quickly calculate the slurry storage capacity of your tank. It can be used to check the capacity of an existing tank but is also a useful tool when planning a new tank. It will also calculate the number of animals the tank can handle for the winter storage period.

Access the calculator here: Slurry tank capacity

Electricity usage calculator

The average cost of electricity on Irish dairy farms is €5/1,000 litres of milk produced. The main drivers of electricity consumption on dairy farms are milk cooling (31%), the milking machine (20%) and water heating (23%). There is a large variation in that figure – from €2.60 to €8.70/1,000 litres produced, or from €15 to €45/cow/year. Use the calculator here to evaluate the energy costs on your farm.

Access the calculator here: Electricity Usage Calculator

Milking efficiency calculator

The first step in improving milking efficiency is to understand current levels of performance. The basic milking efficiency metrics of cows milked per operator per hour, and litres of milk harvested per operator per hour can be computed using this calculator.

Access the calculator here: Milking Efficiency Calculator

Dairy Wash Trough Calculator

Use this calculator to work out how much water is recommended for the rinse and wash routine on your milking machine. You can then use it to calculate how much water is actually being used and see how they compare.

Access the calculator here: Dairy Wash Trough Calculator

Milking Machine Liner Change

Teagasc and CellCheck recommends that liners are changed every 2,000 milkings, or every 6 months whichever comes first. This is to help prevent mastitis and ensure that maximum milk yields are being harvested. Cluster liners are designed to flex and squeeze the teat during each pulsation cycle. This massages teats and maintains blood supply.

While liners are working they begin to lose tension, absorb fat and hold bacteria. After too many milkings this can reduce the speed and completeness of milking, resulting in a loss in milk yield. It also increases teat end damage and increase the spread of mastitis bacteria. Fatigued rubber can also hold bacteria and this can increase the total bacterial count (TBC) if dirt is being trapped. This calculator allows you to work out when your machine is due its next liner change.

Access the calculator here: Milking Machine Liner Change