Increasing Farm Household Incomes
Avail of schemes
- New: Basic Payment Scheme +Greening payment
- New: Organics scheme/Forestry scheme
Know your social entitlements
- Farm Assist
- Rural Social Scheme
Household Budget
- Manage costs – Switch energy providers
- Plan for big events during lifetime
Off-farm employment
- Up-skill/Re-train to fill skills gaps
- Avail of courses
- Dairy operatives/rural carers/rural tourism
- Change mind-set….Develop new skills
- Explore/Develop ideas– talk to other farmers/entrepreneurs at Teagasc Options workshops
- Act – get business assistance and grant support: LEADER, Enterprise Ireland, LEO’s, DAFM etc
ON-Farm Options to Increase Household Income
- forestry
- organics
- horticulture
OFF-Farm Options to Increase Household Income
- rural tourism
- artisan food
- direct sales