Storm Advice for Farmers
Met Eireann have issued a Status Red, Orange and Yellow - Wind warning for Ireland
Storms are becoming a more frequent occurance in Ireland bringing a mixture of wind, rain and sometimes snow. It is important for the farming community to:
- Be prepared - before the storm
- Know what to do during the storm
- Be organised if a 'clean up' is necessary
Be prepared - before the storm
During the storm
- The safety of you and your family is a priority.
- Listen to and follow the advice and warnings from the weather and emergency services
- Do not take risks.
After the storm
- Check your home for any damage that may need urgent attention
- Check for any fallen electricity wires, inform ESB networks immediately if necessary
- Check on stock and move them away from from danger (floods, fallen electricity wires etc)
- Ensure stock have adequate feed and water
- Assess any damage to farm buildings and deal with any urgent repairs as quickly as possible.
- Contact your insurance company if necessary
- Accept help when offered, and ask for it if you need it.