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Organic Events

Teagasc organics advisors organise a number of activities and events throughout the year. These include:

  • Farm walks in association with Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine and organic organisations
  • 25 hour training course
  • Open days
  • Webinars.

More information on these events outlined below.

Find some advice on the Steps to Organic conversion here

Upcoming events 

Upcoming Organic Training Courses

Clonmel | GoreyCastlerea | Macroom | Tuam | Portlaoise | Manorhamilton



Register for an Organics Course

Register Here to attend an organics course

25 hour Level 5 QQI Organic Farming Principles Course

This course will equip you with the knowledge, skill and competence to apply organic farming principles to the production of organic produce, to meet market requirements and approved organic standards in compliance with European Union (EU) and Irish legislation.

On successful completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Outline the origin and development of the organic movement including the diversity or organic approaches and the range of certifying bodies
  • Explain the principles of organic production
  • Outline the procedures involved in converting from a non-organic to an organic production system
  • Describe organic soil fertility practices
  • Outline general standards for organic production
  • Describe weed, pest and disease control in organic crops
  • Plan a production programme to organic standards in accordance with conversion principles
  • Complete the documentation required for conversion to an organic production system
  • Describe soil amelioration techniques with organic production
  • Manage a crop using organic principles
  • Outline the key aspects of an organic production plan
  • Assess the economic viability and market opportunities for organic production including EU and national supports


March 4th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
March 5th - Teagasc Gorey and Farm visit
March 11th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
March 12th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
March 19th - Teagasc Gorey and Farm visit


May 20th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 22nd - Teagasc Castlerea and Farm visit
May 27th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 29th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 30th - Teagasc Castlerea and Farm visit


May 20th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 22nd - Teagasc Macroom and Farm visit
May 27th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 29th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 30th - Teagasc Macroom and Farm visit


May 20th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 22nd - Teagasc Tuam and Farm visit
May 27th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 29th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 30th - Teagasc Tuam and Farm visit


May 20th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 22nd - Teagasc Portlaoise and Farm visit
May 27th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 29th - Zoom 10am to 1pm
May 30th - Teagasc Portlaoise and Farm visit


Register to attend an Organics Course

Register Here to attend an organics course

Upcoming Webinars

Winter 2024 Webinars

Markets for Organics

Wednesday, 4th December | 7:30pm

On this episode of Let's Talk Organics, Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organic Specialist was joined by Emmet Doyle and Conor Hogan, Bord Bia and Anne Maher, Urban Co-Op to discuss the market opportunities for Irish organic produce. A questions and answers session took place at the end of the webinar, which was facilitated by Marianne Mulhall, Teagasc Organics Advisor.

Watch webinar recording below

About the panellists

  • Emmet Doyle, Sector Manager, Bord Bia provided an update on the most recent organic market developments and trends, and the outlook for 2025.
  • Conor Hogan, Bord Bia provided an overview of two key campaigns that Bord Bia are delivering to support the organic sector.
  • Anne Maher is Managing Director of The Urban Co-op in Limerick city and as a 7 day community grocery this interface with the customers and suppliers, provides a valuable insight into the market for organic produce. Anne is dedicated to ensuring the widest population have access to organic food every day of the week!

Growing Organics Farm Walks

The ‘Growing Organics’ Programme is a five year programme led by Teagasc, and will promote the adoption of best practice at farm level to increase the future viability and sustainability of the Irish organic sector. The results from the activities on the demonstration farms will be made available to all farmers and researchers to significantly improve the data available on different aspects of organic farming.

Organic demonstration farms have been selected throughout the country to illustrate best practice and monitor key financial and environmental metrics. Providing up to date technical advice to organic farmers is a key objective of the National Organic Strategy 2019-2025.

Upcoming Growing Organics Farm Walks

There are no planned walks at present.

Previous Webinars

View previous webinars on a range of organic topics and issues

Spring 2024 Webinars

The Teagasc Organics team hosted two webinars this spring on:

  • Establishment Methods for Red Clover
  • Experiences with cover crops for field-scale organic vegetable production

Watch them back below

Establishment Methods for Red Clover 

Wednesday, 7th February | 7pm

Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organics Specialist hosted a webinar on Wednesday, 7th February which looked at establishment methods for red clover. Elaine was joined by Cathal McCauley, Specialised Organic Advisor, Teagasc; Lisa McGrane, Teagasc and Michael Egan, Teagasc Researcher.

Cathal provided an overview of Michael Edgeworth, organic farmer from County Leitrim's farm. Michael and Ann converted to organic farming just over a year ago. In June 2023, they decided to try three different ways of establishing red clover on their farm - Direct drill; power harrow; and plough. Cathal caught up with Michael to get an insight into how they got on with each establishment technique.

Lisa McGrane provided an overview of her recently completed PhD which looked at the addition of clover or herbs to a perennial ryegrass sward: effects on animal and sward performance. Lisa gave an insight into part of her research on the various establishment methods for red clover.

Michael Egan provided an overview of the role of red clover silage and gave an insight into research being carried out in Teagasc.

Watch webinar recording below

Experiences with cover crops for field-scale organic vegetable production

Wednesday, 6th March | 7pm

Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organics Specialist hosted a webinar on Wednesday, 6th March which looked at experiences with cover crops for field-scale organic vegetable production. Elaine was joined by William Deasy, Specialised Vegetable Advisor, Teagasc and Christoffel den Herder, Senior Advisor Organic Vegetable Growing – CERES Horti Advice.

The webinar was aimed at horticultural growers and farmers who are interested in learning more about commercial organic horticulture.

Christoffel den Herder provided an insight into the reasons for growing cover crops including benefits and challenges; selecting and integrating cover crops into organic vegetable rotations; and practical experiences with establishment and management including destruction for following crops.

Watch webinar recording below

Previous Farm Walks

Beechlawn Organic Farm

On Wednesday, 28th August  a farm walk took place at Beechlawn Organic Farm, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, H53 K753.

View the farm walk booklet 

About the farm

Beechlawn Organic Farm are producers and distributors of Irish grown and imported organic fruit and vegetables. Certified by the Irish Organic Association and Bord Bia Sustainable Horticulture Assurance Scheme, the farm comprises both field-scale and protected production of organic horticultural crops.    

This farm walk is a chance to view at first-hand the experiences of one of the leading organic enterprises in Ireland. Everyone welcome.

Organic Beef Open Day

Teagasc, Bord Bia and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) jointly organised a National Organic Beef Open Day on the farm of John Purcell, Ross, Golden, Cashel, Co. Tipperary on Wednesday, 28th September 2022.

The open day was aimed at providing up to date best practice for existing organic farmers and also will aim at providing an insight into organic farming methods for those farmers contemplating converting their farms.

John took over the running of the farm from his late father Michael Purcell in 1997. The farm had always been associated with a livestock enterprise and in 1998, John converted the farm to organic and continued with the beef model. The overall farm operation of 950 acres consists of owned and leased land and all together produces over 1000 finished beef cattle per annum for the market.

The farm walk is on a block of 500 acres. The farm produces most of the winter feed for the operation and houses 600 cattle during the winter months. Combination crops and clover grass swards are grown as part of the winter-feeding system. John’s farm does not exclusively focus  on beef production, he also has incorporated biodiversity corridors/habitats. He has also planted over 10,000 trees in the last three years to sequester carbon and is planning to claim carbon natural status by 2025.

 View the event booklet here (PDF)

2025 Webinars

Markets for Organic Horticulture

Tuesday, 25th February 2025 | 12:30pm

Join William Deasy, Teagasc Specialised Vegetable Advisor, along with the Teagasc Organic Specialists on Tuesday, 25th February from 12:30pm - 1:30pm for an episode of Let's Talk Organics. 

The team will be joined by Emmet Doyle, Bord Bia Organic Sector Manager, and Conor Hogan, Bord Bia Client Engagement and Organics at Bord Bia, who will provide a market update and insights for Ireland’s organic fresh produce (fruit and vegetables) market.

Retail expert, Ged Futter, director at The Retail Mind in the UK and former supermarket senior buyer turned management consultant will provide expert insights and tips for fresh produce growers doing business with supermarket buyers.

Click here to register for the webinar!