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Organic Webinars - Let's Talk Organics

A series of organic webinars with Teagasc Organic Specialists covering various technical aspects of organic farming.

View previous webinars on a range of organic topics and issues

2025 Webinars

Markets for Organic Horticulture

Tuesday, 25th February 2025 | 12:30pm

Join William Deasy, Teagasc Specialised Vegetable Advisor, along with the Teagasc Organic Specialists on Tuesday, 25th February from 12:30pm - 1:30pm for an episode of Let's Talk Organics. 

The team will be joined by Emmet Doyle, Bord Bia Organic Sector Manager, and Conor Hogan, Bord Bia Client Engagement and Organics at Bord Bia, who will provide a market update and insights for Ireland’s organic fresh produce (fruit and vegetables) market.

Retail expert, Ged Futter, director at The Retail Mind in the UK and former supermarket senior buyer turned management consultant will provide expert insights and tips for fresh produce growers doing business with supermarket buyers.

Click here to register for the webinar! 

Previous Webinars

Winter 2024 Webinars

Markets for Organics

Wednesday, 4th December | 7:30pm

On this episode of Let's Talk Organics, Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organic Specialist was joined by Emmet Doyle and Conor Hogan, Bord Bia and Anne Maher, Urban Co-Op to discuss the market opportunities for Irish organic produce. A questions and answers session took place at the end of the webinar, which was facilitated by Marianne Mulhall, Teagasc Organics Advisor.

Watch webinar recording below

About the panellists

  • Emmet Doyle, Sector Manager, Bord Bia provided an update on the most recent organic market developments and trends, and the outlook for 2025.
  • Conor Hogan, Bord Bia provided an overview of two key campaigns that Bord Bia are delivering to support the organic sector.
  • Anne Maher is Managing Director of The Urban Co-op in Limerick city and as a 7 day community grocery this interface with the customers and suppliers, provides a valuable insight into the market for organic produce. Anne is dedicated to ensuring the widest population have access to organic food every day of the week!

New Entrants to Organics

Tuesday, 12th November | 7:30pm

On this episode of Let's Talk Organics, Elaine Leavy and Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organic Specialists were joined by three recently converted farmers to organics - John O'Hanlon, Angus Woods, and Ivan Kiersey to get an insight into their journey in organics so far.

Watch back the recording of the webinar below

John and Stephanie O’Hanlon farm 38.88ha in Tipper, Ballymahon, Co Longford. The farm joined the Organic Farming Scheme in 2023 and is currently in year 2 of conversion. The farm consists of 31.23ha of Grassland, 6.12ha of forestry and 1.53ha of a Riparian Buffer Zone. The main farming system involves operating a spring calving 30 cow suckler herd selling progeny at roughly 15/16 months of age over the summer months.

Angus Woods is farming in east Wicklow, just outside Wicklow Town.  He has a 65 cow suckler herd, 500 mid-season ewes and 50ha of tillage.  He is in his first year of conversion to organic farming.

John & Ivan Kiersey are organic dairy farmers near Kilmacthomas in Co Waterford. Milking 130 cows in a predominantly spring calving system, they converted their farm to organic on 1st January 2024. They operate a high clover system stocked at just under 170kgs of organic N/Ha.

Spring 2024 Webinars

The Teagasc Organics team hosted two webinars this spring on:

  • Establishment Methods for Red Clover
  • Experiences with cover crops for field-scale organic vegetable production

Watch them back below

Establishment Methods for Red Clover 

Wednesday, 7th February | 7pm

Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organics Specialist hosted a webinar on Wednesday, 7th February which looked at establishment methods for red clover. Elaine was joined by Cathal McCauley, Specialised Organic Advisor, Teagasc; Lisa McGrane, Teagasc and Michael Egan, Teagasc Researcher.

Cathal provided an overview of Michael Edgeworth, organic farmer from County Leitrim's farm. Michael and Ann converted to organic farming just over a year ago. In June 2023, they decided to try three different ways of establishing red clover on their farm - Direct drill; power harrow; and plough. Cathal caught up with Michael to get an insight into how they got on with each establishment technique.

Lisa McGrane provided an overview of her recently completed PhD which looked at the addition of clover or herbs to a perennial ryegrass sward: effects on animal and sward performance. Lisa gave an insight into part of her research on the various establishment methods for red clover.

Michael Egan provided an overview of the role of red clover silage and gave an insight into research being carried out in Teagasc.

Watch webinar recording below

Experiences with cover crops for field-scale organic vegetable production

Wednesday, 6th March | 7pm

Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organics Specialist hosted a webinar on Wednesday, 6th March which looked at experiences with cover crops for field-scale organic vegetable production. Elaine was joined by William Deasy, Specialised Vegetable Advisor, Teagasc and Christoffel den Herder, Senior Advisor Organic Vegetable Growing – CERES Horti Advice.

The webinar was aimed at horticultural growers and farmers who are interested in learning more about commercial organic horticulture.

Christoffel den Herder provided an insight into the reasons for growing cover crops including benefits and challenges; selecting and integrating cover crops into organic vegetable rotations; and practical experiences with establishment and management including destruction for following crops.

Watch webinar recording below

Autumn 2023 Webinars

Dairy Organic Webinar

This informative webinar on organic dairying took place on Tuesday, 14th November. Host Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organic Specialist was joined by Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organics Specialist who specialises in organic dairy farming. The webinar was aimed at conventional dairy farmers that want to learn more about whether an organic dairy system might suit them and their farm.

Topics covered included: markets and processors, organic dairy systems, appropriate stocking rates, expected milk output, financial considerations, housing and veterinary.

Watch webinar recording below

Organic Tillage Webinar

On Wednesday, 15th November an informative webinar on Organic Tillage took place. Host Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organics Specialist was joined by Martin Bourke, Teagasc Organics Specialist who specialises in organic tillage crops. The webinar was aimed at conventional tillage farmers and existing organic farmers considering tillage that want to learn more about whether an organic tillage system might suit them and their farm.

The main focus of the webinar was to explore the opportunities and challenges of growing crops organically in Ireland.Topics covered included: partial farm conversion, expected yields, crop husbandry, profitability, demand and market for organic crops. 

Watch webinar recording below

Organic Horticulture Webinar

On Thursday, 16th November an informative webinar on organic horticulture took place which was hosted by Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organics Specialist and featured William Deasy, Specialised Vegetable Advisor, Teagasc. This webinar was aimed at horticultural growers and farmers who are interested in learning more about commercial organic horticulture.

Topics included: organic food horticulture production in Ireland; routes to market; the conversion process and certification; crop production considerations; grants and schemes.

Watch webinar recording below

Spring 2023 Webinars

Growing red clover silage to finish beef cattle

Elaine Leavy and Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organic Specialists hosted this webinar on Wednesday, 5th April. It focused on growing red clover silage to finish beef cattle. The team were joined by Dr Nicky Byrne, Teagasc Researcher and organic farmers, Colman Deely, West Limerick dairy farmer and Oliver Dixon, Mayo beef finisher farmer.

Nicky spoke about the agronomy and feeding value of red clover silage. Colman and Oliver gave an insight into how they grow red clover crops on their farms and how they are finding it helps with the performance of their animals. The webinar gave an overview of the practical aspects of growing, harvesting and feeding a red clover silage crop.

Watch webinar recording below

Feeding the ewe pre & post lambing in an organic situation

Elaine Leavy and Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organic Specialists hosted a Let's Talk Organics webinar on Wednesday, 8th March. It focused on feeding the ewe pre and post lambing in an organic situation.

The team were joined by Michael Gottstein, Head of Sheep Knowledge Transfer; Cathal McCauley, Teagasc Organic Advisor; and Organic Sheep Farmers Amy Jackson & Barry O’Hagan.

Michael Gottstein discussed feeding the ewe pre-lambing; Cathal McCauley outlined organic minerals and regulations around veterinary; and Amy Jackson & Barry O’Hagan gave an insight into feeding the ewe pre and post lambing on their organic farms.

Watch webinar recording below

About Amy Jackson & Barry O’Hagan

Amy Jackson farms in partnership with her husband Ross on their 50.5Ha sheep and tillage farm in North Tipperary. They keep approx. 150 ewes that lamb in March/early April each year with many of their lambs sold direct to customers under their brand “Lacka organic lamb”. Ewes have scanned at 1.68 lambs/ewe this year. Breeds include mainly Texel crosses, Charollais crosses, New Zealand Suffolk, Belclares, and Rouge. All ewes and lambs are out-wintered on cover crops and multi species swards until February before housing. They are farming organically since 2015.

Barry O’Hagan is farming 56 Ha of heavy clay and peat soils including some commonage in North Leitrim. He runs approx. 158 ewes which are predominantly Lanark Blackface Horned sheep. The ewe lambs have been typically sold as breeding ewe lambs through a producer group and ram lambs have been finished on farm. The ewes are fed for 6-8 weeks pre lambing depending on the scanning rate. Barry entered organics on the 1st of January 2023 and is currently in conversion.

Converting beef housing to meet organic standards

On this episode of Let's Talk Organics, Elaine Leavy, Joe Kelleher and Martin Bourke, Teagasc Organic Specialists, discussed converting beef housing to meet organic standards. They were joined by Fergus Hanly and Tadhg Halpin who shared their experiences of converting beef housing to meet organic standards.

Father and daughter partnership, Tadhg & Claire Halpin farm 70Ha of free draining land in Toonagh, Tulla, in East Clare. The Halpins always had an interest in farming organically and decided that organic farming was very compatible with their existing system.

Fergus Hanly farms 30Ha of free draining land on the banks of the river Deel, he converted his farm to organic approximately 12 years ago. He operates a weanling to finishing beef system.

Watch webinar recording below

Direct Selling of Organic Produce 

On Wednesday, 30th March, Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organic Specialist hosted the sixth in a series of Organic Webinars which explored the direct selling of organic produce. Joe was joined by Barry Caslin, Rural Development Specialist, Teagasc; Ollie & Esther O’Brien, Cúlbhac Farm, Newport, Co. Tipperary; and Clive Bright, Rare Ruminare, Ballymote, Co. Sligo.

Topics covered on the night included:

  • Supporting Direct Selling of Organic Produce (PDF)
    Barry Caslin, Rural Development Specialist, Teagasc
  • Direct selling organic eggs and beef
    Ollie & Esther O’Brien, Cúlbhac Farm, Newport, Co. Tipperary
  • Direct selling organic beef
    Clive Bright, Rare Ruminare, Ballymote, Co. Sligo

Watch webinar recording below

Applying for the 2022 Organic Farming Scheme 

On Wednesday, 23 February, Glen Corbett, Teagasc Advisor hosted the fifth in a series of Autumn Organic Webinars which gave an insight into applying for the 2022 Organic Farming Scheme. Glenn was joined by Kevin Mc Geever, Organic Unit, Department of Agriculture Food & the Marine (DAFM); Elaine Leavy and Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organic Specialists.

View presentations below

Watch webinar recording below

Opportunities for Organic Horticultural Growers

On Wednesday, 26 January, 2022 Joe Kelleher and Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organic Specialists hosted the fourth in a series of Autumn Organic Webinars. They were joined by Eoin Sweetman, Teagasc; Padraig Fahy, Beechlawn Organics and Gillian Westbrook, IOA to explore the opportunities available to organic horticultural growers.

Organic fruit and vegetables are the main consumer entry point for purchasing organic produce, and continue to be the area of shortest supply in the organic sector, with most produce imported.

Topics covered on the night included:

Are you considering converting to Organic Farming? 

On Wednesday, 24 November, 2022 Joe Kelleher and Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organic Specialists hosted the third in a series of Autumn Organic Webinars which gave an insight into converting to organic farming. They were also joined by two farmers who recently converted to organic farming.

Elaine and Joe were joined by two recent converts to organic farming, Colman Deely and Jim Hogan who gave an insight into why they decided to convert to organic farming, the changes they have made to their farming systems and their farm plans for the future. Elaine also gave an overview of the steps to organic conversion.

View presentations below

  • Colman Deely - My farm (PDF)
    Colman Deely, Killeedy, Co. Limerick - Recently converted to organic dairy farming
  • My story - Jim Hogan (PDF)
    Jim Hogan, Rathrush, Rathoe, Co. Carlow - In conversion to organic beef, cereals and sheep farming

Watch webinar recording below

Options for Organic Tillage Growers 

On Wednesday, 27th October 2021, Elaine Leavy and Joe Kelleher, Teagasc Organic Specialists hosted the second in a series of Autumn Organic Webinars which focused on options for organic tillage growers. Elaine and Joe were joined by James & Johnny Flavahan, Flahavans; Brian O Regan, Irish Organic Feeds; Ross Jackson, Lacka Organic Lamb; and Micheál Rafferty, Irish Organic Mill Ltd.

A questions and answers session took place at the end of the webinar.

Watch webinar recording below

The role of multi species swards on Irish organic farms 

On Wednesday, 22nd September 2021, Joe Kelleher and Elaine Leavy, Teagasc Organic Specialists were joined by Thomas Moloney, DLF and Kevin O’Hanlon, Organic dairy farmer for the first in a series of Autumn Organic Webinars which focused on the role of multi species swards on Irish organic farms.

A questions and answers session took place at the end of the webinar.

View presentations below

Watch webinar recording below

Dairy - November 2023 - This webinar was aimed at conventional dairy farmers that want to learn more about organic dairying and if might suit them and their farm.

Tillage - November 2023 - This webinar was aimed at conventional tillage farmers and existing organic farmers considering tillage and wanting to learn if an organic tillage system might suit them and their farm.

Horticulture - November 2023 - This webinar was aimed at horticultural growers and farmers who are interested in learning more about commercial organic horticulture.

Growing red clover silage to finish beef cattle - April 2023

Feeding the ewe pre & post lambing in an organic situation - April 2023

Converting beef housing to meet organic standards - February 2023