Equine Health
In this section, you'll find topics of interest in relation to Equine Health
Equine Health Video Series - 10 practical steps to protect equine health
A series of 10 videos has been produced by Teagasc, Irish Equine Centre and UCD, School of Veterinary Medicine focusing on the practical steps you can take to protect equine health.
Failure of Passive Transfer or FPT
Foals are born without protective immunity against infectious disease organisms and require “passive transfer” of infection-fighting proteins called antibodies that are found in the mare’s first milk, or colostrum. If a foal does not obtain enough quality colostrum, they will not be protected from viruses and bacteria. This is referred to as failure of passive transfer (F.P.T.) of immunity and approximately 5-20% of newborn foals are diagnosed with F.P.T. and are at risk for developing serious medical conditions.
Why vaccination remains an important part of herd health protection
Infectious diseases are a major cause of concern in both human and veterinary medicine. Both the Covid-19 pandemic in human populations worldwide and the recent EHV-1 (Equine Herpes Virus – 1) neurological outbreak which originated in Valencia, Spain February 2021 have dramatically demonstrated that the introduction of an infectious agent into a susceptible population can have devastating consequences. A good immunisation program is essential to responsible equine ownership.
Read more about the importance of a having vaccination programme here
Endocrine Metabolic Disorder (EMS)- early diagnosis is important
Identifying EMS, and taking steps to manage the disorder can allow a horse/pony to live a healthy and productive life. Early diagnosis is important as the prognosis for those horses or ponies who have suffered multiple previous bouts of laminitis and major structural damage to hoof laminae is less favourable. Vets diagnose EMS on the basis of history, clinical examination and the results of blood tests and radiograph/x-ray evidence of subclinical laminitis.
Read more about Endocrine Metabolic Disorder (EMS) here
Autumn Equine Internal Parasite Control
The aim of a parasite control programme is not to eradicate or kill all worms but rather to prevent clinical disease, reduce contamination of pasture, and preserve the effectiveness of the anthelmintics which are currently available. There is a growing population of drug-resistant parasites with widespread resistance in small strongyle populations to Fenbendazoles, and Pyrantels, while resistance in ascarid (roundworm) populations to Ivermectin and Moxidectin is common. So we simply must enact effective strategies to control parasites without stimulating more parasites to become resistant or evolve to become resistant.
Read more about Internal Parasite Control here
Stay alert for Sycamore Seed Poisoning
Equine atypical myopathy, also known as atypical myogloninuria or seasonal pasture myopathy (SPM), a highly fatal muscle disease, is a condition which can affect grazing horses in the spring or autumn caused by consumption of sycamore tree seeds. Each year in Ireland there have been from 6-12 cases diagnosed with perhaps many more occurring, but not identified. A typical story is of a horse demonstrating initially stiffness and a reluctance to move. The muscles suddenly become weak to the point the horse can no longer remain standing. Then, as quickly as clinical signs set in, the horse dies. Just 48 hours earlier the horse grazed happily at pasture—an overgrazed field full of seed heads and dead leaves.
Read more about Equine Myopathy here
Subfertility can be complex
Subfertility can be complex, multifaceted and affect either or both mare and stallion. For successful conception many different parameters must be met for example adequate hormone production, a healthy uterus, adequate number of progressively motile sperm cells, a healthy oocyte (egg), and the meeting of sperm and oocyte in the correct window of time is required.
Read more about subfertility here
What is Strangles?
Strangles is a disease caused by Streptococcus equi, a bacteria. The infection can range greatly in its signs and symptoms from no symptoms at all, or very mild symptoms, to severe and even fatal consequences.
The disease doesn’t discriminate – no matter whether your yard is large / small, or if you are experienced or a relatively new owner. It transmits through direct contact between animals or indirectly via equipment, people hands and clothing and can affect any age, sex, or breed of horse/pony.
Read more about Strangles here
Some Simple Autumn Checks
Autumn is a good time to make sure that housing is ready to receive animals for the winter ahead if not already completed during the summer months. It is also a time to plan some routine health checks, when foals are weaned, and when nutrition should be reassessed ahead of the winter period.
Read more about simple autumn checks here
Equine Asthma
Airway inflammation and mucous accumulation associated with equine asthma makes efficient performance nearly impossible for these horses.Other names have been used to describe this condition – inflammatory airway disease; recurrent airway obstruction, heaves, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
There are many ways by which the management actions around these horses can help along with adaptations to their environment.
Read more about equine asthma here
Mud Fever
Mud fever is a skin condition that causes irritation, soreness, matted areas of hair, and scabs. It is known also by other names, including dermatitis, greasy heels and cracked heels. The condition is often diagnosed in the autumn/winter months under consistent exposure to wet and muddy conditions.
Read more about mud fever here
Effective Housing Ventilation
Effective ventilation in all equine housing facilities is essential. The objective is to provide fresh air to the horse, and is achieved by providing sufficient openings in the building so that fresh air can enter and stale air can exit. Stale air comprises of moisture, heat, pathogens, dust and ammonia. Stuffy stables and their poor air quality are the result of limited air exchange and /or obstructions to the entry of fresh air to the building or exit (at roof height) of stale air leaving the building.
Read more about housing ventilation here
Importation of Equine Germinal Products
Germinal products include semen, oocytes and embryos intended for artificial reproduction. Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine have specific guidelines which must be adhered to in relation to the importation of these products to ensure we preserve the health status of the equine herd in the country and make every effort to guard against potential disease outbreak.
Equine Viral Arteritis (DAFM notice)
DAFM notice issued January 2024 with advisory information on appropriate precautionary measure to be applied to help prevent virus introduction and spread given absence of Equip Artervac vaccine (until autumn 2024 at the earliest). Absence of vaccination may present an increase risk of Equine Arteritis Virus (EAV) incursion in Ireland and therefore it is IMPORTANT that ALL breeders give due diligence to the precautionary measure advised.
Read the DAFM advisory notice here
Donkey Health
Donkeys are part of the equine community. However, there are differences that need to be accounted for in the care of donkeys versus horses or ponies. Donkeys in particular show disease in a more restrained or modest way than many of their equine counterparts. Therefore donkey owners need to be especially observant and read the signs from their donkeys better. A dull donkey is often a genuine veterinary emergency. Donkeys are also very susceptible to stress and commonly suffer severely from its effects.
The donkey sanctuary are a fantastic resource and they have provided a wide range of reading material on the care of donkeys on their website.
Read more about donkey health care here
Importing Equine Semen (DAFM notice)
Semen is regularly used within the equine industry to allow access to a wider variety of stallions and increased genetic diversity which would otherwise be inaccessible due to logistics.
Ireland is currently free of Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA), Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) and Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM). All these disease could potentially either be brought to Ireland or transmitted within Ireland in infected semen. Any of these diseases entering Ireland would have severe and lasting consequences for both our equine health and welfare, but also equine trade.
All semen legally brought into Ireland either from another EU Member State or from a third country (anywhere outside of the EU) needs to be accompanied by the appropriate health certificate, either an Intra-Community Health Certificate if it is from an EU Member State or an equivalent health certificate from a third country. All documentation should be checked by the vet prior to insemination. If the documentation is not available for inspection, or there is any doubt about the validity of the paperwork, DO NOT inseminate the mare, and consult your local RVO for further guidance.
Read the DAFM advisory notice here
Use of ARVAC for the protection of stallions against Equine Viral Arteritis (DAFM notice)
Due to the unavailability of the EU authorised Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) vaccine, Equip Artervac emulsion for injection for horses and ponies, (Zoetis Belgium S.A), for the 2025 breeding season, use of the live attenuated vaccine (LAV) ARVAC, will be permitted under special import licence. Import and use of the vaccine requires adherence to strict biosecurity measures.
All veterinarians and stallion owners considering use of the vaccine should carefully consider the requirements associated with use of the vaccine. Veterinarians should contact Veterinary.medicines@agriculture.gov.ie as soon as possible, and no later than 1st November 2024, to indicate their intention to apply for a licence.
Read the DAFM advisory notice here
Foot and Mouth Disease Information Note (DAFM)
A case of Foot and Mouth disease was diagnosed in Germany on January 10th, 2025. The investigation into the outbreak is ongoing. Horses cannot become infected or ill from FMD. However, they, and their transport vehicles could facilitate spread of the virus. All equine owners are encouraged to exercise additional vigilance at this time, in particular around animal and transport hygiene and biosecurity. Equine movements from Germany into Ireland are strongly discouraged whilst the outbreak is ongoing.
Read the DAFM advisory notice here
Equine Viral Arteritis Note for the 2025 Breeding Season (DAFM)
Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) is a contagious viral disease that can affect all equine animals. Ireland is currently free from this disease, but it is in wide circulation worldwide including in mainland Europe, and therefore poses an ongoing threat of introduction to Ireland. The virus can be spread by mating (natural cover or artificial insemination), respiratory tract secretions from infected animals, contact with aborted foetuses and associated tissues and fluids, or contact with contaminated equipment or fomites (any inanimate object that, when contaminated with or exposed to infectious agents can transfer disease to a new host). The recent lack of EVA vaccine availability may contribute to an increased risk of a disease outbreak, which if it were to occur, may have significant negative consequences for the Irish equine industry.
Read the DAFM advisory notice EVA Info Note 2025 Breeding Season and learn more about what YOU can do to protect your horses, and the industry.