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Let's Talk Equine

Teagasc are providing a series of monthly equine webinars, ‘Let’s Talk Equine’ on the first Tuesday of the month at 8.30pm. It will offer an opportunity to hear from industry professionals discussing topics of relevance to horse breeders. Make sure to join at 8.30pm for what is hoped to be interesting discussion and relevant information to inform decision making on your own farm.

The webinars are broadcast using zoom so participants will have an opportunity to submit questions during the live broadcast. 

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Upcoming Webinar

Demystifying Bone Chips - 11 March 2025

Panellist: Dr Joe Collins, Chief Veterinary Advisory at The Donkey Sanctuary and President of the Federation of European Equine Veterinary Associations (FEEVA), and Independent Expert & Chair of the Equine Group at the EU Platform on Animal Welfare

Topic: Demystifying Bone Chips

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Previous Webinars

Is equine welfare about more than good husbandry - 11 February 2025

On this episode of Let’s Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Meta Osborne MVB CertESM MRCVS, Tinnakill House Stud to discuss the topic: is equine welfare about more than good husbandry?

Meta spoke of the importance of looking at horse welfare from the horse’s point of view, and referenced the challenges of aligning with commercial drivers. However, embracing a welfare minded approach to horse care can also be an opportunity to market well socialised horses. Be prepared to have your own beliefs challenged and to adapt as the evolving science base suggests it is appropriate.

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Interpreting horse’s expressions - 10 December 2024

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Dr Karen Dunne, PhD, MA, CertEM(StudMed), MVB; Veterinary Nursing Lecturer, Dundalk Institute of Technology to discuss interpreting horse’s expressions: guiding early pain management intervention, training programmes, in worst case scenarios aiding end of life decisions, and more.

Karen spoke of recognising pain expressions, pain scoring methodology, pain indicators under saddle, and guidance for end-of-life decision making. The conversation is valid and applicable for All equine owners and carers.

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The importance of client – practice – patient relationship - 5 November 2024

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Hazel Mullins, President of Veterinary Ireland; Sue Salter, SES Equine Veterinary Services; and Nikki Walshe, UCD. The impending 2025 introduction of a National Veterinary Prescription System and inclusion of anti-parasitic drugs as Prescription Only Medicine (POM) were discussed alongside antimicrobial resistance.

The panellists spoke of the opportunities and challenges presented by the upcoming changes and also provided very practical insights into why working with a vet that knows the farm well can have the very best outcome not just in managing clinical disease but more importantly in preventative approaches which can also be cost saving in the long run. Lift the phone, and talk to your vet.

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Review of filly and colt ‘top picks’ of 2020 foal crop - how did they progress since? - 9 April 2024

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Andrea Etter of Belmont House Stud in Co. Offaly. Andrea first joined the series in its 5th edition back in 2020 when she identified her ‘top picks’ of colts and fillies of that year’s foal crop, now in their fourth year of life, and we revisited them now. Watch the previous episode back here

Up for discussion was a brief reflection on the thinking behind the mating plans in 2019, the qualities and characteristics these individuals displayed as foals, and the ups and downs of their progressions since. Andrea shared her own thoughts on breeding and production from her personal experiences providing plenty of ‘food for thought’.

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Clearing the Air: Understanding and Managing Respiratory Issues in Horses - 5 March 2024

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Kirsty McCann DIPVN and Ian Rountree MVB of ARKequine to discuss equine airways. Topics addressed included to begin an explanation of the anatomy and how it works, followed by an overview of physical deficiencies and various treatment approaches.

Also discussed were various conditions of the respiratory tract influenced by the environment and management practices which can to a large degree be prevented or minimised.

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Understanding equine behaviour and how your horse or pony learns - 6 February 2024

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Dr Orla Doherty, Animal Behaviour Clinic to discuss how horses and ponies learn, how this impacts on their behaviour, and why it is so important to take this into consideration in the approach to training.

Also discussed were various problem behaviours, why they can arise, and various approaches to addressing them.

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Finding the cause of underperformance relating to general health, performance, and developmental problems - 9 January 2024

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Alan Creighton, Head of Environment and Nutrition at the Irish Equine Centre to discuss the varied causes underpinning poor or underperformance in breeding stock, growing young stock, and performance horses and ponies.

Alan imparted simple tips, practical advice applicable to all equine enterprises irrespective of scale or nature of the enterprise.

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Don’t underestimate the basics - 12 December 2023

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by nutritionists Nicole Groyer and Erin Campbell of Connolly’s Red Mills technical team to discuss not underestimating the basics when it comes to feeding for breeding, growth, or performance.

Nicole and Erin gave tips on a variety of scenarios including feeding mares to optimise both fertility and foetal development, managing youngstock in relation to weaning time but also where additional demands of work are introduced, and providing an oversight of different approaches to meeting energy requirements for performance.

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Nurturing natives and native crosses - 7 November 2023

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Niamh Melody of Nire Valley Connemaras and Alicia Devlin Byrne to discuss ‘nurturing natives, and native crosses’.

Niamh described the development of predominantly one of the family’s marelines which began for them with the mare Canal Laurin, right up to the present whereby two of her granddaughters are resident on the farm. Niamh gave her perspective on the qualities she felt were important in the mares over the years, and showcased a mareline which has demonstrated versatility, quality and underlines the importance of the mare.Niamh also emphasised the responsibility of the breeder to have clear breeding goals.

Alicia herself a talented producer showcased a selection of Connemara Ponies, Irish Draughts, and Crosses explained the qualities that she appreciates as a rider, and the potential markets for each.

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Embracing opportunity, advanced breeding technologies, and partnerships - 10 October 2023

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by John Carey of Baskin Sport Horses to discuss ‘embracing opportunities, advanced breeding technologies, and partnerships’.

John introduced a selection of the mares, and their offspring, who reside at his farm. John explained some of the different ownership models, and arrangements he has with others. John also shared his insights into breeding with embryo transfer and intracytoplasmic sperm injection, both the highs and the lows.

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Different horses for different courses - 4 April 2023

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Philippa Scott and Hannah Gordon to discuss ‘different horses for different courses’. Philippa and Hannah, utilising Connemara Pony; Irish Draught; Thoroughbred; traditional and warmblood cross examples, gave an insightful explanation of their involvement in the amateur performance and showing markets. Plenty of key advice was shared in relation to the production and marketing of these horses/ponies and what their customers place value on.

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Insights into how a referral clinic serves the sector - 7 March 2023

In the March episode of Let's Talk Equine, host Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Ann Derham MVB DVMS Dipl ECVS, EBVS® European Specialist in Large Animal Surgery, Fethard Equine Hospital to discuss how a referral clinic serves the sector.

Ann took us through the varied services provided at Fethard Equine Hospital including some of the more routine elective procedures, an insight into less common procedures, and other more novel approaches. It was a ‘whistle stop tour’ intended to give an overview of the work that takes place at the hospital.

Please be advised that some of the graphics content of this webinar is of a surgical nature.

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Supported decision making focused toward market, sport & future generations - 7 February 2023

On this episode of Let's Talk Equine, Wendy Conlon, Teagasc Equine Specialist was joined by Olive and Ivor Broderick of Kylemore Stud in Co. Galway to discuss ‘Supported decision making focused toward market, sport & future generations’. Olive and Ivor shared their views on various aspects of the decision making in relation to choice of mare and stallion. The role of vetting, breeding contracts and the pros and cons of frozen embryo trade were also reflected on.  

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2022 Webinars

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2021 Webinars

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2020 Webinars

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