Certificate in Poultry Production
Level 5 Component Award (30 Credits)
The Certificate in Poultry Production course is offered on a part time basis at Ballyhaise Agricultural College on Fridays from 9.15am to 3.30pm, over an 18 week period and includes 6 practical farm visit days.
The course is aimed at those who wish to enter the poultry industry, whether it be constructing your own unit or working in the diverse and vibrant industry. On completion students will have the knowledge, skills and capabilities to carry out the required tasks to manage a poultry unit (Broilers, Layers, Turkeys or Ducks).
To express an interest in the course fill out the form below.
The course comprises of four modules, as detailed below:
Poultry Nutrition, Housing & Welfare:
- Feed Identification
- Diet Formulation
- Digestion & FCR
- Housing Systems & Equipment
- Welfare Legislation & The Five Freedoms
Poultry Husbandry:
- Poultry Industry – Ireland, EU & Global
- Production Systems – Eggs & Meat
- Egg Grading & Labelling
- Flock Health Practices
- Disease Control
- Biosecurity
Poultry Flock Recording:
- Daily Flock Management
- Flock records
- Benefits of Flock Recording
- Flock Recording Tools
Poultry Manure Handling:
- Nutritive Content
- Manure Uses
- Manure Safety
- Manure Records
- Nitrogen Allowance Calculation
On successful completion of this course, students will have gained 30 credits. These 30 credits can be put towards the 120 credits required for a major award at Level 5 in Agriculture. Level 5 is the first year of the 2 year Green Cert.
Course Fee: €425
For more information, contact Rebecca Tierney, Teagasc Poultry Advisor on Rebecca.Tierney@teagasc.ie
Padraic Dunleavy - "I attended the poultry course at Ballyhaise during 2020/21. I found the course interesting, challenging and rewarding. The course facilitator was very helpful and knowledgeable. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in pursuing a career in this field."
Submit your details below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. The course will be run when there is sufficient demand.