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REDP: Refereed Research Reports

2013 Deblitz, C. and Kinsella, A. (2013). 2013 Beef and Sheep Report - Agri benchmark - understanding  agricultrue worldwide. Agri Benchmark ISSN 2191 - 4044 150 pages 30613 R1
  Henchion, M., McCarthy, M, Greehy, Grainne, McCarthy, S., Dillon, E., Kavanagh, G and Williams,  G (2013). Irish Consumer and industry acceptance of novel food technologies; Research highlights,  implications & recommendations. DAFM 08RDTAFRC659 5-66 30103 R1
  Hennessy, T. and Kinsella, A. (2013). 40 Years of Irish farming since joining the European Union -  A journey with the Teagasc National Farm Survey 1972-2012. Teagasc *** 89 pages 29709 R1
  Hennessy, T., Moran, B., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, C. (2013). National farm survey 2012 -
Preliminary estimates. Teagasc *** 16 pages 29732 R1
  Hennessy, T., Moran, B., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, C. (2013). National Farm Survey Results 2012.  Teagasc August 2013 100 pages 30043 R1
2012 Breen, J. and Hanrahan, K. (2012). Situation and outlook for cattle 2011/12. Teagasc 18 121
pages 26523 R1
  Breen, J. UCD, Hanrahan, K. and Kinsella, A. (2012). Cereals, beef and sheep - Outlook 2013.
Teagasc - Outlook 2013 19 - Presentation *** 28269 R1
  Breen, James UCD, Casey, J.C., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Kinsella, A., McKeon, M., Ryan, M and Thorne, F. (2012). Outlook 2012 Economic Prospects for Agriculture. Teagasc No. 18 121 pages 25653 R1
  Cleary, A., Feeney, M. and Macken-Walsh, A. (2012). Pain and Distress in Rural Ireland : a
qualitative study of suicidal behaviour among men in rural areas. Teagasc/UCD July 2012 pp 1-14
  Donnellan, T. (2012). Situation and outlook for dairying 2011/12. Teagasc 18 121 pages 26520
Hanrahan, K. and Kinsella, A. (2012). Situation and outlook for sheep 2011/12. Teagasc No. 18
121 pages 26524 R1
  Hennessy, T. and Moran, B. (2012). The outlook for farm income. Teagasc - Outlook 2013 19
Presentation *** 28272 R1
  Hennessy, T., Kinsella, A., Moran, B. and Quinlan, C. (2012). National farm survey 2011 -
Preliminary estimates. Teagasc *** 15 pages 29731 R1
  Hennessy, T., Kinsella, A., Moran, B. and Quinlan, C. (2012). National Farm Survey 2011. Teagasc ISBN: 1-84170-589-6 41 pages 27232 R1
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2012). The Potential of an Enhanced Co-operation Measure in the EAFRD
92014-2020: the case of Ireland, Report to DAFM, May 2012. Teagasc 2 1-43 27653 R1
  Macken-Walsh, A., Crosson, P. and Murray, A. (2012). A Qualitative Study of Irish Beef Farmers' Production Decisions: Summary and Implications for Extension. Teagasc 01 pp 1-18 30760 R1
  Menghi, A, Thorne, F. and et al., (2012). Assessing farmers' costs of compliance with EU legislation in the fields of environment, animal welfare and food safety. Eu Commission 30-CE-0467350/00-79 268 26051 R1
  Miller, Ana Corina, Matthews, Alan, Donnellan, T. and O'Donoghue, C. (2012). The Economy
impact of Food Harvest 2020 on employment in Ireland. Teagasc 4 1-28 27762 R1
  O'Brien, F. IBEC (2012). What to expect in the Irish and global economies in 2013. Teagasc -
Outlook 2013 19 - Presentation *** 28271 R1
  O'Donoghue, C., Quinlan, C., Cillero, Maria, Meredith, D. and Loughrey, J. (2012). Disadvantaged  Area Scheme Statistical Analysis. Teagasc 1 1-43 27644 R1
  Schulte, R. and Donnellan, T. (2012). A Marginal Cost Abatement Curve for Irish Agriculture.
Teagasc submission to the public consultation on Climate Policy development. DAFM 1 30564
  Schulte, R., Crosson, P., Donnellan, T., Farrelly, N., Finnan, J., Lalor, S., Lanigan, Gary, O'Brien,
D., Shalloo, L. and Thorne, F. (2012). A Marginal Abatement Cost Curve for Irish Agriculture.
Teagasc 01 1-207 26243 R1
2011 Breen, J, Cushion, M., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Hennessy, T., Kinsella, A., Martin, M., Moran, B., Quinlan, C., Ryan, M and Thorne, F. (2011). Outlook 2011 - Economic prospects for agriculture. Teagasc No 17 142 pages 23535 R1
  Donnellan, T. and Hanrahan, K. (2011). Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Irish Agriculture: Consequences arising from the Food Harvest Targets. Teagasc - Food harvest en Briefing note No. 2011/1 33 pages 25349 R1
  Donnellan, T. and Hanrahan, K. (2011). Implications of measures to reduce Greenhouse gas emissions from Irish Agriculture by 30 percent by 2020: Achievement of the target through a reduction in animal numbers. Teagasc Briefing note no. 2011/2 39 pages 2
  Donnellan, T., Hennessy, T., Keane, Michael and Thorne, F. (2011). Study of the International Competitiveness of the Irish Dairy Sector at Farm Level. Sponsored by AIB 1 MIMEO 1-103 24409 R1
  Hemme at al., and Thorne, F. (2011). IFCN Dairy Report 2009. IFCN 2009/1 ISSN 1610-434X 25379 R1
  Hennessy, T., Moran, B., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, C. (2011). National Farm Survey. Teagasc ISBN 1-84170-576-4 103 pages 25622 R1
  McCarthy, S. (2011). Summary report of the national adult nutrition survey. Nationa report NANS Dublin - March 2011 *** 27209 R1
  Morrissey, K., Hynes, S.P., Cuddy, M. and O'Donoghue, C. (2011). Ireland's Ocean Economy. Teagasc 12011 1-48 23609 R1
2010 Baroni, E. and O'Donoghue, C. (2010). Poverty Impact of State Pensions Reform on the Elderly; an analysis of reform proposals in the 2007 Irish Green Paper. Combat Poverty - Research 9871905485987 1-70 21276 R1
  Connolly, L., Kinsella, A., Quinlan, C. and Moran, B. (2010). National Farm Survey 2009 Report. Teagasc ISBN 1-84170-560-8 105 pages 21703 R1
  Donnellan, T., Breen, J, Hanrahan, K., Kinsella, A. and O'Donoghue, C. (2010). Situation and Outlook in Irish Agriculture
Mid Year Update 2009. Teagasc xx xx 21376 R1
  Fealy, R., Green, S., Loftus, M., Meehan, R., Radford, T., Cronin, C. and Bulfin, M. (2010). Teagasc EPA Soil and Subsoils Mapping Project - Maps & Statistics - Teagasc Dublin. Teagasc 2 Vol 11 pages 1 - 221 23124 R1
  Fealy, R., Green, S., Meehan, R., Radford, T., Cronin, C. and Bulfin, M. (2010). Teagasc EPA Soil and Subsoil Mapping Project - Final Report - Teagasc Dublin. Teagasc 1 1-126 23123 R1
  Finn, J.A., Fenton, O., Green, S., Houlihan, T., Hyde, T., Keena, C., Murphy, P, O'Sullivan, K., O'hUallachain, D., Schulte, R. and Shanahan, T. (2010). Teagasc Submission on the draft National Biodiversity Plan 2010-2015. Dept. of Agriculture, Foo 1 pp11
  Hanrahan, K. and Kinsella, A. (2010). Situation and Outlook for Sheep 2009/10. Teagasc No. 16 Pages 89-106 20932 R1
  Heanue, K (2010). The Implications of the Recession for Irish Agriculture. Tipperary Institute 1 1-38 23108 R1
  Kinsella, A., Moran, B. and Quinlan, C. (2010). Financial & Technical Analysis of REPS & Non-REPS Farms - National Farm Survey 2009. Anne Kinsella 1-84170-570-5 70 pages 22564 R1
  Lalor, S., Coulter, B.S., Quinlan, C. and Connolly, L. (2010). A survey of fertilizer use in Ireland from 2004-2008 for grassland and arable crops. Teagasc - - 21235 R1
  Schulte, R., Gibson, M., Lalor, S., Hackett, R. and O'Donoghue, C. (2010). Independent Review of the Science, implementation and administration of th Draft European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for protection of Waters) Regulations 2010. Teagas
  Thorne, F. and Hemme, T., et al., (2010). IFCN Dairy Report 2010. IFCN 2010/1 ISSN 1610-434X 25377 R1
2009 Connolly, L., Kinsella, A., Quinlan, C. and Moran, B. (2009). National Farm Survey 2008. Teagasc ISBN 1-84170-540-3 104 pages 19095 R1
  Dillon, E., Hennessy, T., Meredith, D. and Behan, J (2009). Analysis of the Rural Labour Market in Ireland. Research Report commissio 1 1-100 18540 R1
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2009). Barriers to Change: a Sociological Study of Rural Development in Ireland, Teagasc National Report No 53. Aine Macken Walsh 53 1-156 19070 R1
2008 Breen, J, Hennessy, T. and Thorne, F. (2008). Medium term outlook for the beef, tillage and dairy farm sectors. Teagasc ** ** 17636 R1
  Connolly, L., Kinsella, A., Quinlan, C. and Moran, B. (2008). National Farm Survey 2007. Teagasc ISBN 10 1-84170-519-5 109 pages 17558 R1
  Deblitz et al., and Thorne, F. (2008). IFCN beef report 2004. IFCN beef report *** *** 16804 R1
  Deblitz etal and Kinsella, A. (2008). Beef Report 2008. Agri Benchmark conference ISSN 1864 - 2969 111 pages 17555 R1
  Hanrahan, K. and Donnellan, T. (2008). “FAPRI-Ireland 2008 Outlook for EU and Irish Agriculture.” in Outlook 2008: Medium Term Analysis for the Agri-Food Sector,. DAFF 2 1-55 17652 R1
  Hanrahan, K. and Donnellan, T. (2008). “FAPRI-Ireland 2008 WTO Reform Analysis: Potential Impact on EU and Irish Agriculture” in Outlook 2008: Medium Term Analysis for the Agri-Food Sector,. DAFF 1 1-55 17651 R1
  Kinsella, A., Moran, B. and Quinlan, C. (2008). Analysis of REPS and Non-REPS farms. Teagasc, National Farm Su ISBN 10 1-84170-518-7 69 pages 17559 R1
  Macken-Walsh, A. and O'Donoghue, C. (2008). Policy Developments and Drivers in the Rural Economy. Teagasc Foresight 2030, Volume II 18553 R1
2007 Connolly, L., Kinsella, A., Quinlan, C. and Moran, B. (2007). National Farm Survey 2006. Teagasc ISBN 1 84170 491 1 ***  14662  R1 
  Hennessy, T. (2007). CAP Health Check Analysis: Farm Level Implications of EU Milk Quota Expansion. DAFF  1-40  15170  R1 
  Hennessy, T., Breen, J and Thorne, F. (2007). FAPRI-Ireland Baseline 2007: Farm Level Analysis. DAFF  1-40  15171  R1 
  Kinsella, A., Connolly, L. and Quinlan, C. (2007). Analysis of REPS farms National Farm Survey - 2005. Teagasc ISSN 1 84170 475 X 68 Pages  13514  R1 
  O'Brien, M. and Hennessy, T. (2007). The Contribution of Off-Fram Income to the Viability of Farming in Ireland. RERC Working Paper 1 1  13954  R1 
2006 Binfield J, Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K. and Westhoff, P (2006). World Agricultural Trade Reform and the WTO Doha Development Round: Analysis of the Impact on EU and Irish Agriculture. 1 84170 450 2 1 96  12669  R1 
  Christie, M, Hanley, N, Garrod, B, Hyde, T, Lyons, N, Bergmann, E and Hynes, S.P. (2006). Valuing heterogeneity of forest recreation activities. British Forestry Commissi  1  13391  R1 
  Christie, M., Hanley, N., Garrod, B., Hyde, T., Lyons, N. and Hynes, S.P. (2006). Valuing heterogeneity of forest recreation activities: Final report. Forestry Commission: Edin *** ***  13497  
  Connolly, L., Kinsella, A., Quinlan, C. and Moran, B. (2006). National Farm Survey 2005. Teagasc ISBN 1 84170 463 6 101 Pages  12684  R1 
  Donnellan, T. and Hanrahan, K. (2006). IPTS. IPTS 3 1  13959  R1 
  Fealy, R. (2006). "Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Ireland",. 1 899702 53 9 1 1  13393  R1 
  Hennessy, T. and Shrestha, S. (2006).  Estimating the Value of Milk Quota. DAF  1  13891  R1 
  Hennessy, T. and Thorne, F. (2006). The Impact of the World Trade Organisation Doha Development Round on Farming in Ireland. DAF & Teagasc  28pp  12168  R1 
  Hennessy, T. and Thorne, F. (2006). The effect of a WTO Reform on Farming In Ireland. Irish Department of Agric 1 1-45  12347  R1 
  Hynes, S.P., Hanley, N. and Christie, M. (2006). Measuring the benefits of improvements to forest recreation facilities. Proceedings of the Small  1 1  13509  R1 
2005 Connolly, L., Kinsella, A., Quinlan, C. and Moran, B. (2005).  Analysis of REPS/Non-REPS Farms - National Farm Survey 2003. Teagasc ISBN 1 84170 396 6 56 pages  10719  R1 
  Connolly, L., Kinsella, A., Quinlan, C. and Moran, B. (2005). National Farm Survey 2004. Teagasc ISBN 1 84170 405 9 106 Pages  12683  R1 
  Henchion, M., Mcintyre, B. and Meredith, D. (2005). Supply chains linking food SMEs in lagging rural regions in Ireland. Teagasc 84 20  13337  R1 
  Meredith, D., Walsh, J.A. and Commins, P (2005). Rural Ireland 2025 Report: Foresight Perspectives. Teagasc-UCD-Maynooth 1 1  14738  R1 
  Thorne, F., Hanrahan, K. and Mullins, E. (2005). The Economic Evaluation of a GM Free Country: an Irish Case Study, confidental report commissioned by the DAF (2005). DAF  36pp  12182  R1 
2004 Connolly, L., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, G. (2004). National farm survey 2003. Teagasc ISBN 1 84170 365 6 93 pages  10297  R1 
  Donnellan, T. (2004). Response to Issues Raised in International Institute for Applied Spatial Analysis Agriculture Bilateral with Ireland. Dept of Environment  1 - 24  10446  R1 
  Donnellan, T. and Hyde, B. (2004).  Ammonia emissions from Irish Agriculture: Projections under EU Agriculture Policy Reform. Dept of Environment and L 1 40pp  10120  R1 
  Hennessy, T. (2004). Projecting Farm Numbers; Paper prepared for 2015 Committee and included as Appendix 4 in the Agri-Vision Report. Irish Department of Agric  pp 82-96  9977  R1 
  Hennessy, T., Shalloo, L. and Dillon, P.G. (2004). The Economic Implications of a Limit on Organic Nitrogen. Chapter included in the application for derogation document. Department of 
  Kinsella, A. and Connolly, L. (2004). Standard gross margin (SGM) 2000.  Calculation of Costs in Ireland. Teagasc ISBN 1841704016 52 pages  10718  R1 
2003 Young, R (2003). An analysis of the effects of Decoupling Direct Payments from Production in the Beef, Sheep and Cereal sectors. Irish Government 1 65  9238  R1 
  Behan, J., Breen, J, Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Hennessy, T., Julian Binfield and Pat Westhoff (2003). An Analysis of the effects of Decoupling Direct Payments from Production in the Beef, Sheep and Cereals sector. Deparrtment of Agricultur 1 Report  9205  R1 
  Binfield, J, Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K. and Westhoff, P (2003). The Luxembourg CAP Reform Agreement: Implications for EU and Irish Agriculture. In the Luxembourg Cap Reform Agreement: Analysis of the Impact on EU and Irish Agriculture. Irish Government 1 91  9241  R1 
  Binfield, J, Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K. and Westhoff, P (2003). The MTR and the EU Commission Proposal for the WTO: An analysis of their effect on EU and Irish Agriculture in Outlook 2003 
  medium Term analysis for the Agri-Food Sector. Irish Government 1 16-79  9239  R1 
  Breen, J and Hennessy, T. (2003). The Impact of the Luxembourg Agreement on Irish Farms. Irish Department of Agric  Proceedings  9207  R1 
  Breen, J and Hennessy, T. (2003). The Impact of the MTR and WTO Reforms on Irish Farms. DAFF  Proceedings  9206  R1 
  Connolly, L., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, G. (2003). National farm survey 2002. Teagasc ISBN 1 84170 333 8 92 pages  10287  R1 
  Hanrahan, K. and Donnellan, T. (2003). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Irish Agriculture under various Agriculture Policy Options. In The Luxembourg CAP Refrom Agreement: Analysis of the Impact on EU and Irish Agriculture. Irish Government 1 79-91  9226  R1 
  Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T., Julian Binfield and Patrick Westhoff (2003). The Luxembourg Agreement: The Implications for EU and Irish Agriculture. Irish Government 1 1-69  9223  R1 
2002 Binfield, J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Hennessy, T., Mcquinn, K. and Westhoff, P. (2002). The Mid-Term Review: An analysis of impact of changes to extensification regime. Irish Government 1 
  Binfield, J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Mcquinn, K. and Westhoff, P. (2002). The Baseline outlook for the agricultural sector in the EU and Ireland. Irish Government 1 20 pp  7177  R1 
  Connolly, L., Finnerty, E., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, G. (2002). National farm survey 2001. Teagasc ISBN 1 84170 312 5 89 pages  10255  R1 
  Frawley, J.P. and Commins, P. (2002). Low Income Farming and Rural Poverty. Teagasc 4641 36 pp  7147  R1 
  Hennessy, T. (2002). The Outlook for farm incomes. DAF  25 pp  7155  R1 
  Lally, B and Riordan, B. (2002). Economic Impact on Irish Dairy Farms of Strategies To Reduce Nitrogen Applications. Teagasc 4346 26 pp  7159  R1 
  Pitts, E. and O'Reilly, P (2002). Strategic Directions for the Irish Dairy Industry in a Freer Market. Teagasc 9 111  8116  R1 
2001 Binfield, J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., McQuinn, K. and Westhoff, P. (2001). The outlook for the agricultural sector in Ireland. In: Proceedings - Outlook 2001: Medium Term Analysis for the Agri-Food Sector. Irish Government 1 8470 198 13-46  6615  R1 
  Binfield, J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., McQuinn, K. and Westhoff, P. (2001). The impact of WTO export subsidy reductions on agricultural output, prices and Irish farm incomes. In: Proceedings: Oulook 2001: Medium Term Analysis for the Agri-Food Sector. Irish Government 
  Binfield, J., Hennessy, T. and Matthews, A. (2001). The BSE crisis and agri-food secotor. In: Proceedings: Oulook 2001: Medium Term Analysis for the Agri-Food Sector. DAF  57-79  6617  R1 
  Connolly, L., Burke, T. and Roche, M. (2001). National farm survey. Teagasc 2000 90 pages  
  Donnellan, T. and Fingleton, W.A. (2001). Economic Analysis of Policy Changes in the Dairy Sector. Irish Government 1 84170 2390 1 - 28  6077  R1 
  Henchion, M., Mcintyre, B. and Commins, P. (2001). Review of the Irish study regions and their food production and marketing systems with respect to SMEs. European Commission 2 39  6223  
  Henchion, M., Mcintyre, B. and Pitts, E. (2001). Regional images and the promotion of quality food products. Teagasc 24 15  6225  R1 
  Hennessy, T. (2001). The Outlook for Farms. In: Proceedings: Oulook 2001: Medium Term Analysis for the Agri-Food Sector. DAF  47-56  6616  R1 
  Martin M, Kelly, P.W. and Donnellan, T. (2001). Situation and outlook for pigs. Irish Government 1 84170 2390 29-35  6342  R1 
2000 Binfield, J., Donnellan, T. and McQuinn, K. (2000). Agricultural Outlook for Ireland. Irish Government 1 0  4286  R1 
  Binfield, J., Donnellan, T., McQuinn, K. and Riordan, B. (2000). Future Developments in Policy and Markets. Irish Government 1 0  4288  R1 
  Connolly, L. (2000). Situation and outlook in agriculture. Teagasc No. 4 26 pages  10195  R1 
  Connolly, L., Dunne, W., Fingleton, W.A. and Kelly, P.W. (2000). Situation and outlook in agriculture. Rural Economy No. 4 26 pages  5423  R1