REDP - Scientific book (or chapter), monograph, etc
Year | Author/Title |
2014 | Dekkers, Gijs, O'Donoghue, C. and Keegan, Marcia (2014). Introduction to Book - New Pathways in Microsimulation. Teagasc IE pp 1-11 ISBN 9781409469315 30408 A3 |
Li, Jinjing and O'Donoghue, C. (2014). An Overview of Binary Allignment Methods in Microsimulation. Teagasc IE Chapter 14 pp 217-233 ISBN 9781409469315 30410 A3 |
O'Donoghue, C., Morrissey, Karyn and Loughrey, J. (2014). Microsimulation estimates of the inequality impact of the economic crisis in Ireland. Teagasc IE Chapter 3 pp 29-41 ISBN |
2013 | Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P., Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Introduction to Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis. Teagasc IE Chapter 1 pp1-10 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28484 A3 |
Ballas, Dimitri, Glarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P., Lennon, J., Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). A Review of Microsimulaiton for Policy Analysis. Teagasc IE Chapter 2 pp 35-54 ISBN 978-3-642- 300 28485 A3 | |
Clancy, D., Breen, J, Morrissey, K., O'Donoghue, C. and Thorne, F. (2013). The Location Economics of Biomass Production for Electricity Generation. Teagasc IE Chapter 9 pp159-175 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28491 A3 |
Cullinan, John, Hynes, S.P. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Modelling the Spatial Pattern of Rural Tourism and Recreation. Teagasc IE Chapter 13 pp 231-254 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28495 A3 |
Cullinan, John, Hynes, S.P. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Spatial Access to Health Services. Teagasc IE Chapter 12 pp 213-230 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28494 A3 |
Henchion, M. and Sorenson, D. (2013). Ireland; Case Studies. Teagasc IE 259 ISBN 978-3- 9141766 29504 A3 |
Hynes, S.P., Farrelly, N., Murphy, Eithne and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Conservation and Rural Environmental Protection Scheme. Teagasc IE Chapter 7 pp 123-141 ISBN 978-3-642-300 |
Hynes, S.P., Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Modelling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture. Teagasc IE Chapter 8 pp 143-157 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28490 A3 | |
Hynes, S.P., Morrissey, K., O'Donoghue, C. and Clarke, Graham (2013). Farm Level Spatial Microsimulation Modelling. Teagasc IE Chapter 6 pp103-122 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28488 A3 |
Loughrey, J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K. and Hennessy, T. (2013). Agricultural Labour Markets in the EU and Candidate Countries -- Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Johan Swinnen and Louise Knops, Pu. Other IE 15 October 2013 - pp 124-138 ISBN 978-94-6138-3 30070 A3 | |
Loughrey, J., Hennessy, T., Hanrahan, K. and Donnellan, T. (2013). Determinants of Farm Labour Use: A Comparison between Ireland and Italy in Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Johan Swinnen and Louise. Other IE 15 October 2013 13 pages ISBN 978-94-6138-3 30069 A3 | |
Loughrey, J., Hennessy, T., Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T., Raimondi, Valentina, Curzi, Daniele and Olper, Alessandro (2013). The impact of decoupled payments on off-farm labour supply: Evidence from Ireland and Italy -- Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Joha. Other IE Chapter 18 - pp 208-220 ISBN 978-94-6138-3 30259 | |
Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Validation Issues and the Spatial Pattern of Household Income. Teagasc IE Chapter 5 pp 87-102 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28487 A3 | |
Morrissey, K., Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). The Spaticl Distribution of Household Disposable Income. Teagasc IE Chapter 11 pp 193-211 ISBN 978-3-642- 300 28493 A3 | |
O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Modelling Farm Viability. Teagasc IE Chapter 10 pp 177-191 ISBN 978-3- 642-300 28492 A3 | |
O'Donoghue, C. (2013). The Spatial Policy Context of Economic, Agricultural and Environmental Change in Rural Ireland. Teagasc IE pp 11-34 ISBN 978-642-30025 28483 A3 |
O'Donoghue, C., Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P., Lennon, J. and Morrissey, K. (2013). Conclusions and Next Steps - Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis Book. Teagasc IE Chapter 14 pp 255-264 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28496 A3 | |
O'Donoghue, C., Farrell, Niall, Morrissey, K., Lennon, J., Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham and Hynes, S.P. (2013). The SMILE Model - Construction and Callibration. Teagasc IE Chapter 4 pp 55-86 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28486 A3 | |
2012 | Chantreuil, F., Hanrahan, K. and Leeuwen, M. (2012). Conclusions and Future Work. Other NL Pages 119-122 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27189 A3 |
Donnellan, T., Chantreuil, F., Erjavec, E., Esposti, R., Hanrahan, K., Leeuwen, M., Salamon, P. and Salputra, G. (2012). EU Market outlook. Other NL Pages 77-96 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27162 |
Erjavec, E., Chantreuil, F., Donnellan, T., Esposti, R., Hanrahan, K., Leeuwen, M., Salamon, P. and Salputra, G. (2012). The CAP Beyond 2013. Other NL pages 97-118 ISBN 978-94-007-22 |
Esposti, R., Salputra, G., Chantreuil, F., Hanrahan, K., Salamon, P. and Tabeau, A. (2012). Model Structure and Parameterisation. Other NL Pages 21-44 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27158 A3 | |
Farrell, Niall, Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2012). Creating a Spatial Microsimulation Model of the Mirish Local Economy. A Reference Guide. Teagasc IE Book ISBN 9789400746220 25966 | |
Green, S., Loftus, M., Bulfin, M., Cronin, C., Fealy, R., Meehan, R. and Radford, T. (2012). Land Cover Map Co. Carlow. Teagasc IE p1 ISBN 28124 A3 |
Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T. and Erjavec, E. (2012). Background to AGMEMOD. Other NL Pages 7- 20 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27154 A3 | |
Hynes, , Farrelly, N., Murphy, Patrick. and O'Donoghue, C. (2012). Conservation and Rural Environmental Protection Schemes. 123-141 28247 A3 |
Loftus, M., Bulfin, M., Cronin, C., Fealy, R., Green, S., Meehan, R. and Radford, T. (2012). Habitat Map of Co. Donegal. Teagasc IE 1 ISBN 28194 A3 | |
Morrissey, K., Clarke, Graham and O'Donoghue, C. (2012). Linking Static Spatial Microsimulation Modelling to Meso-scale models: the relationship between access to GP services and long term illness. A Ref Guide for Users. Teagasc IE book ISBN 978940074622O 25967 A3 | |
2011 | Bartolini, F., Bourke, D., Finn, J.A. and Viaggi, D. (2011). Ex-Post Analyses of Agri-Environment Schemes: A comparative analysis using expert judgement and multicriteria analysis. Other US pp 23-38 ISBN 9781609606213 24361 A3 |
Hennessy, T. (2011). Can agriculture contribute to Ireland's economic recovery?. Irish publisher IE March 2011 Issue No. 75 PAI - pp 5 ISBN 1649-2587 23772 A3 | |
Macken-Walsh, A. (2011). Governance, Rural Development and Farmers' participation in Irish Local Food Movements. Teagasc IE 93-105 ISBN 9783790824216 25649 A3 | |
Macken-Walsh, A. (2011). Governance, Rural Development and Farmers' participation in Irish Local Food Movements. Springer US 245 ISBN 9783790824223 23489 A3 | |
Sorenson, D. and Henchion, M. (2011). Consumers' perceptions of novel food process technologies: the case of high pressure processed chilled ready meals. Nova Science Publisher US 5 ISBN 978-1-61122-0 23831 A3 | |
2010 | Albisu, LM, Henchion, M., Leat, P. and Blandford, D (2010). Improving agri-food chain relationships in Europe: the role of public policy. Other DE 17 ISBN 9781845936426 23690 A3 |
Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N., Leat, P, Reveredo-Ghia, C, Henchion, M., Gracia, A and Albisu, LM (2010). Determinants of sustainable agri-food relationships in Europe. Other DE 16 ISBN 9781845936426 23688 A3 | |
Heanue, K (2010). Embeddedness and Innovation in Low and Medium Tech Rural Enterprises. Teagasc IE 115-139 ISBN 21014 A3 | |
Heanue, K (2010). Farmers' Capacity for innovation in the context of RDP measures. Other IE 30-36 ISBN 23110 A3 | |
Henchion, M. and McIntyre, B. (2010). From transactions to relationships: the case of the Irish beef chain. Other DE 14 ISBN 9781845936426 23687 A3 | |
Leat, P, Henchion, M., Albisu, LM and Fischer, C (2010). Trust and relationships in selected European agri-food chains. Other DE 14 ISBN 9781845936426 23685 A3 | |
Macken-Walsh, A. (2010). Barriers to Change: a study of Irish Farmers non-participation in contemporary rural development. Teagasc IE 1-8 ISBN 23171 A3 | |
Meredith, D. (2010). Rural Areas in Transition: Evidence of rural re-structuring in the Republic of Ireland. Other IE 220-243 ISBN 978-1-895397- 24250 A3 | |
O'Donoghue, C. (2010). Life Cycle Microsimulation Modelling; Constructing and Using Dynamic Microsimulation Models. Teagasc IE All ISBN 13: 978-38383 22799 A3 | |
2008 | Campbell, Danny, Hutchinson, W.G. and Scarpa, R. (2008). Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specic WTP estimates for landscape inprovements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland. Other DE Chapter 3 Choice Experiments Inform ISBN 1845427254 17604 A3 |
Hynes, S.P., Buckley, C. and van Rensburg, T. (2008). A Discrete-Choice model of Irish farm commonage recreation. Teagasc IE Chapter 7 Rural Tourism ISBN 978-81-314-15 17560 A3 | |
Macken-Walsh, A. (2008). Barriers to Change; a sociology of rural development in Ireland. Teagasc IE 97-114 ISBN 184170-5039 18777 A3 | |
Meredith, D. (2008). Rural areas in transition: Evidence of rural restructuring in the Republic of Ireland. Other US ** ISBN ** 15741 A3 | |
Meredith, D. and McGinley, Joan (2008). Governance and sustainability: impacts of the common fisheries policy in Norhtern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Other GB ** ISBN ** 15740 A3 | |
O'Donoghue, C. (2008). The Impact of the Tax-Benefit System on Inequality and Poverty. Other IE 1 ISBN 13: 978-0-262 18554 A3 | |
Tunney, H., Kurz, I., Bourke, D., O'Reilly, C., Jeffrey, D. and Foy, B. (2008). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and suspended solids loss from grazed pastures - fiels-plot study. Final Report. ERTDI Report Series No. 68. EPA IE 47 pages ISBN 1 84095 240 2 | |
Tunney, H., Kurz, I., Bourke, D., O'Reilly, C., Jeffrey, D. and Foy, B. (2008). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and suspended solids loss from grazed pastures - field plot study. Final Report. Teagasc IE 47 pages ISBN 1 84095 2402 16240 A3 | |
Breen, J (2008). Simulating a market for tradable greenhouse gas emissions permits amongst irish farmers. In: Agricultural Economics Society 82nd Annual Conference, **, 31-Mar-2008, *** 17633 | |
2007 | Bourke, D., Nolan, S., Hochstrasser, T. and Schulte, R. (2007). A vegetation information system for grassland habitats in Ireland. Teagasc IE 63-64 ISBN 18 4170 477 6 15150 A3 |
Hennessy, T. and Rehman, T (2007). Modelling the Impact of Decoupling on Structural Change in the Farming Sector: integrating econometric and optimisation models. Other IE 101-120 ISBN 1-60021-120-8 13207 A3 | |
Hennessy, T., Roeder N. and Stilmant D. (2007). Impact of the CAP-reform of 2003 on the use of pastoral land in Europe. Other IE 445-462 ISBN 9789081100731 14831 A3 | |
Macken-Walsh, A. (2007). Community action in post-socialist Lithuania: a compartive case-study of two rural villages. Other IE Chapter 7 ISBN 1-84718-128-7 13482 A3 | |
Matsaganis, M, O'Donoghue, C., Levy, H., Coromaldi, M., Mercader-Prats, M., Farinha Rodrigues, C., Toso, S. and Tsakloglou, P (2007). Child poverty and family transfers in Southern Europe in microsimulation as a tool for the evaluation of public policies: Methods and applications. Teagasc IE pp 293-321 ISBN *** 15021 A3 | |
Matsaganis, M., O'Donoghue, C., Levy, H., Coromaldi, M., Mercader-Prats, M., Farinha Rodrigues, C., Toso S. and Tsakloglou, P. (2007). Family transfers and child poverty in Greece, Italy, spain and Portugal in Micro-simulation in action: Policy analysis in Europe using EUROMOD. Teagasc IE 25 Elsevier, pp 101-124 ISBN *** 15022 A3 | |
Tunney, H., Kurz, I., Bourke, D. and O'Reilly, C. (2007). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorous loss from grazed pasture. ERTDI Report 66. EPA IE 16 pages ISBN 1-84095-236-9 | |
Tunney, H., O'Reilly, C., Kurz, I. and Bourke, D. (2007). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and suspended solids loss from grazed pastures-field plot study. ERTDI Report 68. EPA IE 57 pages ISBN 1-84095-220-2 15127 A3 | |
2006 | Donnellan, T. and Hanrahan, K. (2006). The impact of potential WTO Trade Reform on greehouse gas and ammonia emissions from Agriculture. Other IE pp 235 - 276 ISBN 978 92 9079 6 14920 |
Immervoll H, Levy, H, Lietz, C, Mantovani, D, O'Donoghue, C., Sutherland, H and Verbist, G (2006). Household incomes and redistribution in the European Union. Quantifying the equalising properties of taxes and benefits”. Teagasc IE 1 ISBN 1 14014 A3 | |
Macken-Walsh, A. (2006). Community Action in Post-Socialist Lithuania: A Comparative Case Study of Two Rural Villages,paper accepted for publication as a book chapter in “Reflecting Transformation in Post-Socialist Rural Area. Other IE 1 ISBN none 14008 A3 | |
Matsaganis, M, O'Donoghue, C., Levy, H, Coromaldi, M, Mercader-Prats, M, Rodrigues, C.F, Toso, S and Tsakloglou, P (2006). Reforming Family Transfers in Southern Europe: Is there a role for Universal Child Benefits?”,. Other IE 1 ISBN none 14015 A3 | |
O'Donoghue, C. (2006). Assessing the Impact of Pensions Policy Reform in Ireland: the Case of Increasing the Pension Age. Other IE 1 ISBN none 14016 A3 | |
O'Donoghue, C. and O'Shea, E (2006). Explaining the Decline in Fertility in Ireland. Other IE 1 ISBN Education and 14017 A3 | |
2005 | Donnellan, T. and Erjavec, E. (2005). Development of the AG-MEMOD country level agricultural policy analysis tool in the new member states of EU. Other IE pp 307-328 ISBN 88-7847-051-1 |
Hanrahan, K. and Chantreuil, F (2005). The Luxembourg Agreement Reform of the CAP: An analysis using the AG-MEMOD composite model. Other IE Modelling Agricultural Policies: St ISBN ISBN 88-7847- 14954 A3 | |
Mary Cawley, Commins, P., Sheila Gaffey, Desmond Gillmor, Henchion, M., McDonagh, P. and | |
Mcintyre, B. (2005). Quality Irish Regional Products and Services: their Promotion and Marketing. Other IE 117pp ISBN 0-900000-24-2 10578 A3 | |
Pitts, E., M Wigier and I Szczepaniak (2005). Regional Policy : Analysis of the environment promoting technical innovation. Other IE 163-207 ISBN 83-7383-076-6 10380 A3 | |
2004 | Connolly, L. (2004). "Management data for farm planning". Teagasc IE 87-90,138-147 ISBN 1841703664 10303 A3 |
Connolly, L., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, C. (2004). REPS data tables (NFS 2004). Teagasc IE 49 Pages ISBN *** 14786 A3 | |
Hanrahan, K. (2004). ). “Summary of FAPRI-Ireland and EU Commission analyses of the Consequences of the MTR Agreement of June 2003.” . Paper prepared for the 2015 Committee, published as Appendix 3 of Agri-Vision Repor. Irish publisher IE 65/81 ISBN 9973 A3 | |
Hanrahan, K. (2004). “Farm Incomes.” Paper prepared for the Agri-Vision 2015 Committee, published as Appendix 5 of Agri-Vision 2015: Report of the Agri Vision 2015 Committee. December 2004, Dublin. Irish publisher IE 97-106 ISBN 9971 A3 | |
Thorne, F. (2004). Measuring the Competitiveness of Irish Agriculture (1996-2000). Teagasc IE 106pp ISBN 1 84170 373 7 9923 A3 | |
Thorne, F., Brennan, J., Kelly, P.W. and Kinsella, A. (2004). Quantification of risks associated with plant disease: the case of Karnal bunt of wheat. Teagasc IE **** ISBN *** 10750 A3 | |
2003 | Connolly, L., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, C. (2003). REPS data tables (NFS 2002). Teagasc IE 49 Pages ISBN ***** 14785 A3 |
Dunne, W. and J.J. O'Connell (2003). Evolving EU Food Production Policy : implications for Ecolabelling in Ecolabels and the Greeining of the Food Market (w. Lockeretz ed) : Proceedings of a conference organised by Tufts University. Other US 1-11 ISBN 9288 A3 | |
2002 | Donnellan, T. and O'Leary, E. (2002). An Analysis of the Impact of Heritage Sector on the Regional Economy of Cork and Kerry. Irish publisher IE 30 pp ISBN 7140 A3 |
Lara, A., Kelly, P.W. and Lynch, P.B. (2002). The International Cost Competitiveness of the Irish Pig Industry. Teagasc IE 100pp ISBN 1 8470 273 0 6714 A3 | |
T. Hennebry (2002). The Future Role and Strategic Development of Livestock Marts. UCD 7152 | |
2001 | Commins, P. (2001). Aiste Ghinearálta, An Stát agus an Ghaeltacht. Irish publisher IE 15-35 ISBN 1 902420 24 1 6678 A3 |
Dunne, W., Murphy, Helen and O'Connell, J.J. (2001). The economics of beef production in Ireland, France and Germany. Teagasc IE 110 pages ISBN ISBN 1 84170 5892 A3 | |
Lara, A, Kelly, P.W. and Lynch, P.B. (2001). Environmental and animal welfare regulations and the Irish pig industry. Teagasc IE 48 ISBN 1 84170 171 8 5562 A3 | |
Maher, M.J., Roe, G., Twohig, D.A. and Kelly, P.W. (2001). The Nursery Stock Industry in Ireland 2000. Teagasc IE 23 ISBN 1 84170 255 2 6136 A3 | |
2000 | Commins, P. (2000). A Rural policy for the 21st Century. Teagasc IE 194-213 ISBN 6080 A3 |
Commins, P. (2000). A rural policy for the twenty-first century. In: Famine Land and Culture in Ireland. Teagasc IE 194-213 ISBN 1 900621-48-7 6594 A3 | |
Connolly, L. (2000). National farm survey. Teagasc IE 90 pages ISBN 00332-4133 10196 A3 | |
Dunne, W., Shanahan, U. and O'Connell, J. (2000). Extensification - An analysis of national and competitive issues. Teagasc IE 2-26 ISBN 5586 A3 | |
Fingleton, W.A. (2000). Situation and Outlook in Agriculture. The Dairy Sector. Teagasc IE o ISBN 4284 A3 | |
Frawley, J.P. and Commins, P. (2000). Low income farm households. Teagasc IE 0 ISBN 5554 | |
Frawley, J.P., Commins, P., Scott S. and Trace F. (2000). Low income farm households, incidences, characteristics and options for improving policy measures. Teagasc IE 0 ISBN 5555 | |
Murphy, H, Dunne, W. and O'Connell, J.J. (2000). The economics of beef production in Ireland, France, and Germany. Teagasc IE 0 ISBN 1 84170 136 X 5585 A3 | |
Pitts, E. (2000). Structural Change in the Irish Dairy Sector: Growth in Scale, New Methods of Financing and Internationalisation. Teagasc IE 0 ISBN 6083 A3 | |
Pitts, E. and Krijger, A. (2000). Case studies of Internationalisation and structural change in the Dairy Sector: Synthesis. Teagasc IE 0 ISBN 6082 A3 |