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2014 Dekkers, Gijs, O'Donoghue, C. and Keegan, Marcia (2014). Introduction to Book - New Pathways in  Microsimulation. Teagasc IE pp 1-11 ISBN 9781409469315 30408 A3
  Li, Jinjing and O'Donoghue, C. (2014). An Overview of Binary Allignment Methods in
Microsimulation. Teagasc IE Chapter 14 pp 217-233 ISBN 9781409469315 30410 A3
  O'Donoghue, C., Morrissey, Karyn and Loughrey, J. (2014). Microsimulation estimates of the
inequality impact of the economic crisis in Ireland. Teagasc IE Chapter 3 pp 29-41 ISBN
2013 Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P., Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Introduction to Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis. Teagasc IE Chapter 1 pp1-10 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28484 A3
  Ballas, Dimitri, Glarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P., Lennon, J., Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013).  A Review of Microsimulaiton for Policy Analysis. Teagasc IE Chapter 2 pp 35-54 ISBN 978-3-642- 300 28485 A3
  Clancy, D., Breen, J, Morrissey, K., O'Donoghue, C. and Thorne, F. (2013). The Location
Economics of Biomass Production for Electricity Generation. Teagasc IE Chapter 9 pp159-175
ISBN 978-3-642-300 28491 A3
  Cullinan, John, Hynes, S.P. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Modelling the Spatial Pattern of Rural
Tourism and Recreation. Teagasc IE Chapter 13 pp 231-254 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28495 A3
  Cullinan, John, Hynes, S.P. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Spatial Access to Health Services.
Teagasc IE Chapter 12 pp 213-230 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28494 A3
  Henchion, M. and Sorenson, D. (2013). Ireland; Case Studies. Teagasc IE 259 ISBN 978-3-
9141766 29504 A3
  Hynes, S.P., Farrelly, N., Murphy, Eithne and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Conservation and Rural
Environmental Protection Scheme. Teagasc IE Chapter 7 pp 123-141 ISBN 978-3-642-300
  Hynes, S.P., Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Modelling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from  Agriculture. Teagasc IE Chapter 8 pp 143-157 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28490 A3
  Hynes, S.P., Morrissey, K., O'Donoghue, C. and Clarke, Graham (2013). Farm Level Spatial
Microsimulation Modelling. Teagasc IE Chapter 6 pp103-122 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28488 A3
  Loughrey, J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K. and Hennessy, T. (2013). Agricultural Labour Markets in  the EU and Candidate Countries -- Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Johan Swinnen and Louise Knops, Pu. Other IE 15  October 2013 - pp 124-138 ISBN 978-94-6138-3 30070 A3
  Loughrey, J., Hennessy, T., Hanrahan, K. and Donnellan, T. (2013). Determinants of Farm Labour Use: A Comparison between Ireland and Italy in Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Johan Swinnen and Louise. Other IE 15 October 2013 13 pages ISBN 978-94-6138-3 30069 A3
  Loughrey, J., Hennessy, T., Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T., Raimondi, Valentina, Curzi, Daniele and  Olper, Alessandro (2013). The impact of decoupled payments on off-farm labour supply: Evidence  from Ireland and Italy -- Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under  a Common Policy, Edited by Joha. Other IE Chapter 18 - pp 208-220 ISBN 978-94-6138-3 30259
  Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Validation Issues and the Spatial Pattern of Household  Income. Teagasc IE Chapter 5 pp 87-102 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28487 A3
  Morrissey, K., Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P. and O'Donoghue, C. (2013). The Spaticl  Distribution of Household Disposable Income. Teagasc IE Chapter 11 pp 193-211 ISBN 978-3-642- 300 28493 A3
  O'Donoghue, C. (2013). Modelling Farm Viability. Teagasc IE Chapter 10 pp 177-191 ISBN 978-3- 642-300 28492 A3
  O'Donoghue, C. (2013). The Spatial Policy Context of Economic, Agricultural and Environmental
Change in Rural Ireland. Teagasc IE pp 11-34 ISBN 978-642-30025 28483 A3
  O'Donoghue, C., Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham, Hynes, S.P., Lennon, J. and Morrissey, K. (2013).  Conclusions and Next Steps - Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis Book. Teagasc IE  Chapter 14 pp 255-264 ISBN 978-3-642-300 28496 A3
  O'Donoghue, C., Farrell, Niall, Morrissey, K., Lennon, J., Ballas, Dimitri, Clarke, Graham and Hynes, S.P. (2013). The SMILE Model - Construction and Callibration. Teagasc IE Chapter 4 pp 55-86  ISBN 978-3-642-300 28486 A3
2012 Chantreuil, F., Hanrahan, K. and Leeuwen, M. (2012). Conclusions and Future Work. Other NL
Pages 119-122 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27189 A3
  Donnellan, T., Chantreuil, F., Erjavec, E., Esposti, R., Hanrahan, K., Leeuwen, M., Salamon, P.
and Salputra, G. (2012). EU Market outlook. Other NL Pages 77-96 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27162
  Erjavec, E., Chantreuil, F., Donnellan, T., Esposti, R., Hanrahan, K., Leeuwen, M., Salamon, P.
and Salputra, G. (2012). The CAP Beyond 2013. Other NL pages 97-118 ISBN 978-94-007-22
  Esposti, R., Salputra, G., Chantreuil, F., Hanrahan, K., Salamon, P. and Tabeau, A. (2012). Model  Structure and Parameterisation. Other NL Pages 21-44 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27158 A3
  Farrell, Niall, Morrissey, K. and O'Donoghue, C. (2012). Creating a Spatial Microsimulation Model  of the Mirish Local Economy. A Reference Guide. Teagasc IE Book ISBN 9789400746220 25966
  Green, S., Loftus, M., Bulfin, M., Cronin, C., Fealy, R., Meehan, R. and Radford, T. (2012). Land
Cover Map Co. Carlow. Teagasc IE p1 ISBN 28124 A3
  Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T. and Erjavec, E. (2012). Background to AGMEMOD. Other NL Pages 7- 20 ISBN 978-94-007-22 27154 A3
  Hynes, , Farrelly, N., Murphy, Patrick. and O'Donoghue, C. (2012). Conservation and Rural
Environmental Protection Schemes. 123-141 28247 A3
  Loftus, M., Bulfin, M., Cronin, C., Fealy, R., Green, S., Meehan, R. and Radford, T. (2012). Habitat  Map of Co. Donegal. Teagasc IE 1 ISBN 28194 A3
  Morrissey, K., Clarke, Graham and O'Donoghue, C. (2012). Linking Static Spatial Microsimulation  Modelling to Meso-scale models: the relationship between access to GP services and long term illness. A Ref Guide for Users. Teagasc IE book ISBN 978940074622O 25967 A3
2011 Bartolini, F., Bourke, D., Finn, J.A. and Viaggi, D. (2011). Ex-Post Analyses of Agri-Environment Schemes: A comparative analysis using expert judgement and multicriteria analysis. Other US pp 23-38 ISBN 9781609606213 24361 A3
  Hennessy, T. (2011). Can agriculture contribute to Ireland's economic recovery?. Irish publisher IE March 2011 Issue No. 75 PAI - pp 5 ISBN 1649-2587 23772 A3
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2011). Governance, Rural Development and Farmers' participation in Irish Local Food Movements. Teagasc IE 93-105 ISBN 9783790824216 25649 A3
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2011). Governance, Rural Development and Farmers' participation in Irish Local Food Movements. Springer US 245 ISBN 9783790824223 23489 A3
  Sorenson, D. and Henchion, M. (2011). Consumers' perceptions of novel food process technologies: the case of high pressure processed chilled ready meals. Nova Science Publisher US 5 ISBN 978-1-61122-0 23831 A3
2010 Albisu, LM, Henchion, M., Leat, P. and Blandford, D (2010). Improving agri-food chain relationships in Europe: the role of public policy. Other DE 17 ISBN 9781845936426 23690 A3
  Fischer, C., Hartmann, M., Reynolds, N., Leat, P, Reveredo-Ghia, C, Henchion, M., Gracia, A and Albisu, LM (2010). Determinants of sustainable agri-food relationships in Europe. Other DE 16 ISBN 9781845936426 23688 A3
  Heanue, K (2010). Embeddedness and Innovation in Low and Medium Tech Rural Enterprises. Teagasc IE 115-139 ISBN 21014 A3
  Heanue, K (2010). Farmers' Capacity for innovation in the context of RDP measures. Other IE 30-36 ISBN 23110 A3
  Henchion, M. and McIntyre, B. (2010). From transactions to relationships: the case of the Irish beef chain. Other DE 14 ISBN 9781845936426 23687 A3
  Leat, P, Henchion, M., Albisu, LM and Fischer, C (2010). Trust and relationships in selected European agri-food chains. Other DE 14 ISBN 9781845936426 23685 A3
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2010). Barriers to Change: a study of Irish Farmers non-participation in contemporary rural development. Teagasc IE 1-8 ISBN 23171 A3
  Meredith, D. (2010). Rural Areas in Transition: Evidence of rural re-structuring in the Republic of Ireland. Other IE 220-243 ISBN 978-1-895397- 24250 A3
  O'Donoghue, C. (2010). Life Cycle Microsimulation Modelling; Constructing and Using Dynamic Microsimulation Models. Teagasc IE All ISBN 13: 978-38383 22799 A3
2008 Campbell, Danny, Hutchinson, W.G. and Scarpa, R. (2008). Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specic WTP estimates for landscape inprovements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland. Other DE Chapter 3 Choice Experiments Inform ISBN 1845427254 17604 A3
  Hynes, S.P., Buckley, C. and van Rensburg, T. (2008). A Discrete-Choice model of Irish farm commonage recreation. Teagasc IE Chapter 7 Rural Tourism ISBN 978-81-314-15 17560 A3
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2008). Barriers to Change; a sociology of rural development in Ireland. Teagasc IE 97-114 ISBN 184170-5039 18777 A3
  Meredith, D. (2008). Rural areas in transition: Evidence of rural restructuring in the Republic of Ireland. Other US ** ISBN ** 15741 A3
  Meredith, D. and McGinley, Joan (2008). Governance and sustainability: impacts of the common fisheries policy in Norhtern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Other GB ** ISBN ** 15740 A3
  O'Donoghue, C. (2008). The Impact of the Tax-Benefit System on Inequality and Poverty. Other IE 1 ISBN 13: 978-0-262 18554 A3
  Tunney, H., Kurz, I., Bourke, D., O'Reilly, C., Jeffrey, D. and Foy, B. (2008). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and suspended solids loss from grazed pastures - fiels-plot study. Final Report. ERTDI Report Series No. 68. EPA IE 47 pages ISBN 1 84095 240 2
  Tunney, H., Kurz, I., Bourke, D., O'Reilly, C., Jeffrey, D. and Foy, B. (2008). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and suspended solids loss from grazed pastures - field plot study. Final Report. Teagasc IE 47 pages ISBN 1 84095 2402 16240 A3
  Breen, J (2008). Simulating a market for tradable greenhouse gas emissions permits amongst irish farmers. In: Agricultural Economics Society 82nd Annual Conference, **, 31-Mar-2008, *** 17633
2007 Bourke, D., Nolan, S., Hochstrasser, T. and Schulte, R. (2007). A vegetation information system for grassland habitats in Ireland. Teagasc IE 63-64  ISBN 18 4170 477 6   15150  A3 
  Hennessy, T. and Rehman, T (2007). Modelling the Impact of Decoupling on Structural Change in the Farming Sector: integrating econometric and optimisation models. Other IE 101-120  ISBN 1-60021-120-8   13207  A3 
  Hennessy, T., Roeder N. and Stilmant D. (2007). Impact of the CAP-reform of 2003 on the use of pastoral land in Europe. Other IE 445-462  ISBN 9789081100731   14831  A3 
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2007). Community action in post-socialist Lithuania: a compartive case-study of two rural villages. Other IE Chapter 7  ISBN 1-84718-128-7   13482  A3 
  Matsaganis, M, O'Donoghue, C., Levy, H., Coromaldi, M., Mercader-Prats, M., Farinha Rodrigues, C., Toso, S. and Tsakloglou, P (2007). Child poverty and family transfers in Southern Europe in microsimulation as a tool for the evaluation of public policies: Methods and applications. Teagasc IE pp 293-321  ISBN ***   15021  A3 
  Matsaganis, M., O'Donoghue, C., Levy, H., Coromaldi, M., Mercader-Prats, M., Farinha Rodrigues, C., Toso S. and Tsakloglou, P. (2007). Family transfers and child poverty in Greece, Italy, spain and Portugal in Micro-simulation in action: Policy analysis in Europe using EUROMOD. Teagasc IE 25 Elsevier, pp 101-124  ISBN ***   15022  A3 
  Tunney, H., Kurz, I., Bourke, D. and O'Reilly, C. (2007). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorous loss from grazed pasture. ERTDI Report 66. EPA IE 16 pages  ISBN 1-84095-236-9   
  Tunney, H., O'Reilly, C., Kurz, I. and Bourke, D. (2007). The impact of the grazing animal on phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and suspended solids loss from grazed pastures-field plot study. ERTDI Report 68. EPA IE 57 pages  ISBN 1-84095-220-2   15127  A3 
2006 Donnellan, T. and Hanrahan, K. (2006). The impact of potential WTO Trade Reform on greehouse gas and ammonia emissions from Agriculture. Other IE pp 235 - 276  ISBN 978 92 9079 6   14920  
  Immervoll H, Levy, H, Lietz, C, Mantovani, D, O'Donoghue, C., Sutherland, H and Verbist, G (2006). Household incomes and redistribution in the European Union. Quantifying the equalising properties of taxes and benefits”. Teagasc IE 1  ISBN 1   14014  A3 
  Macken-Walsh, A. (2006). Community Action in Post-Socialist Lithuania: A Comparative Case Study of Two Rural Villages,paper accepted for publication as a book chapter in “Reflecting Transformation in Post-Socialist Rural Area. Other IE 1  ISBN none   14008  A3 
  Matsaganis, M, O'Donoghue, C., Levy, H, Coromaldi, M, Mercader-Prats, M, Rodrigues, C.F, Toso, S and Tsakloglou, P (2006). Reforming Family Transfers in Southern Europe: Is there a role for Universal Child Benefits?”,. Other IE 1  ISBN none   14015  A3 
  O'Donoghue, C. (2006). Assessing the Impact of Pensions Policy Reform in Ireland: the Case of Increasing the Pension Age. Other IE 1  ISBN none   14016  A3 
  O'Donoghue, C. and O'Shea, E (2006). Explaining the Decline in Fertility in Ireland. Other IE 1  ISBN Education and   14017  A3 
2005 Donnellan, T. and Erjavec, E. (2005). Development of the AG-MEMOD country level agricultural policy analysis tool in the new member states of EU. Other IE pp 307-328  ISBN 88-7847-051-1   
  Hanrahan, K. and Chantreuil, F (2005). The Luxembourg Agreement Reform of the CAP: An analysis using the AG-MEMOD composite model. Other IE Modelling Agricultural Policies: St  ISBN ISBN 88-7847-   14954  A3 
  Mary Cawley, Commins, P., Sheila Gaffey, Desmond Gillmor, Henchion, M., McDonagh, P. and 
  Mcintyre, B. (2005). Quality Irish Regional Products and Services: their Promotion and Marketing. Other IE 117pp  ISBN 0-900000-24-2   10578  A3 
  Pitts, E., M Wigier and I Szczepaniak (2005). Regional Policy : Analysis of the environment promoting technical innovation. Other IE 163-207  ISBN 83-7383-076-6   10380  A3 
2004 Connolly, L. (2004). "Management data for farm planning". Teagasc IE 87-90,138-147  ISBN 1841703664   10303  A3 
  Connolly, L., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, C. (2004). REPS data tables (NFS 2004). Teagasc IE 49 Pages  ISBN ***   14786  A3 
  Hanrahan, K. (2004). ).  “Summary of FAPRI-Ireland and EU Commission analyses of the Consequences of the MTR Agreement of June 2003.”  . Paper prepared for the  2015 Committee, published as Appendix 3 of Agri-Vision Repor. Irish publisher IE 65/81  ISBN    9973  A3 
  Hanrahan, K. (2004). “Farm Incomes.”  Paper prepared for the Agri-Vision 2015 Committee, published as Appendix 5 of Agri-Vision 2015: Report of the Agri Vision 2015 Committee. December 2004, Dublin. Irish publisher IE 97-106  ISBN    9971  A3 
  Thorne, F. (2004). Measuring the Competitiveness of Irish Agriculture (1996-2000). Teagasc IE 106pp  ISBN 1 84170 373 7   9923  A3 
  Thorne, F., Brennan, J., Kelly, P.W. and Kinsella, A. (2004). Quantification of risks associated with plant disease: the case of Karnal bunt of wheat. Teagasc IE ****  ISBN ***   10750  A3 
2003 Connolly, L., Kinsella, A. and Quinlan, C. (2003). REPS data tables (NFS 2002). Teagasc IE 49 Pages  ISBN *****   14785  A3 
  Dunne, W. and J.J. O'Connell (2003). Evolving EU Food Production Policy : implications for Ecolabelling  in Ecolabels and the Greeining of the Food Market (w. Lockeretz ed) : Proceedings of a conference organised by Tufts University. Other US 1-11  ISBN    9288  A3 
2002 Donnellan, T. and O'Leary, E. (2002). An Analysis of the Impact of Heritage Sector on the Regional Economy of Cork and Kerry. Irish publisher IE 30 pp  ISBN    7140  A3 
  Lara, A., Kelly, P.W. and Lynch, P.B. (2002). The International Cost Competitiveness of the Irish Pig Industry. Teagasc IE 100pp  ISBN 1 8470 273 0   6714  A3 
  T. Hennebry (2002). The Future Role and Strategic Development of Livestock Marts.  UCD  7152  
2001 Commins, P. (2001). Aiste Ghinearálta, An Stát agus an Ghaeltacht. Irish publisher IE 15-35  ISBN 1 902420 24 1   6678  A3 
  Dunne, W., Murphy, Helen and O'Connell, J.J. (2001). The economics of beef production in Ireland, France and Germany. Teagasc IE 110 pages  ISBN ISBN 1 84170    5892  A3 
  Lara, A, Kelly, P.W. and Lynch, P.B. (2001). Environmental and animal welfare regulations and the Irish pig industry. Teagasc IE 48  ISBN 1 84170 171 8   5562  A3 
  Maher, M.J., Roe, G., Twohig, D.A. and Kelly, P.W. (2001). The Nursery Stock Industry in Ireland 2000. Teagasc IE 23  ISBN 1 84170 255 2   6136  A3 
2000 Commins, P. (2000). A Rural policy for the 21st Century. Teagasc IE 194-213  ISBN    6080  A3 
  Commins, P. (2000). A rural policy for the twenty-first century. In: Famine Land and Culture in Ireland. Teagasc IE 194-213  ISBN 1 900621-48-7   6594  A3 
  Connolly, L. (2000). National farm survey. Teagasc IE 90 pages  ISBN 00332-4133   10196  A3 
  Dunne, W., Shanahan, U. and O'Connell, J. (2000). Extensification - An analysis of national and competitive issues. Teagasc IE 2-26  ISBN    5586  A3 
  Fingleton, W.A. (2000). Situation and Outlook in Agriculture.   The Dairy Sector. Teagasc IE o  ISBN     4284  A3 
  Frawley, J.P. and Commins, P. (2000). Low income farm households. Teagasc IE 0  ISBN    5554  
  Frawley, J.P., Commins, P., Scott S. and Trace F. (2000). Low income farm households, incidences, characteristics and options for improving policy measures. Teagasc IE 0  ISBN    5555  
  Murphy, H, Dunne, W. and O'Connell, J.J. (2000). The economics of beef production in Ireland, France, and Germany. Teagasc IE 0  ISBN 1 84170 136 X   5585  A3 
  Pitts, E. (2000). Structural Change in the Irish Dairy Sector:  Growth in Scale, New Methods of Financing and Internationalisation. Teagasc IE 0  ISBN    6083  A3 
  Pitts, E. and Krijger, A. (2000). Case studies of Internationalisation and structural change in the Dairy Sector: Synthesis. Teagasc IE 0  ISBN    6082  A3