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Bioeconomy Ireland Week 2020

As part of the Bioeconomy Ireland Week (19th to 23rd October) Teagasc, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM), IT Tralee, University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Bord Iascaigh Mhara, the Irish Bioeconomy Foundation, and BiOrbic will be presenting a series of maps on the bioeconomy to highlight its relevance for a wide range of stakeholders across many sectors.

As the bioeconomy is a multifaceted concept that includes a multitude of players, processes, products, and services, and aims to address multiple policy objective ranging from climate change to regional development, we will break it down into five main aspects. On each day of Bioeconomy Week we will present one of these aspects with accompanying maps. 

The themes for each day include:

More information on each day is available at the above tabs.



All maps can be downloaded and reused following a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence. This means maps can be downloaded and displayed on other media if all map authors are attributed, and the maps are not used for commercial purposes. Furthermore, any modified version of the maps may not be distributed. We would also ask any user to always use the maps from this homepage to ensure the latest version is used.