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Information for Suppliers


Teagasc endeavours to ensure that its procurement activities are compliant with legal requirements and Government policy and that they deliver value for money for Teagasc and the taxpayer.

Teagasc utilises central government contracts where possible. For details of these see http://www.procurement.ie/

Standard Terms and Conditions of Business

How to get your invoices paid

For details click here: How to get your invoices paid

Purchase Orders

Where Teagasc has a requirement to purchase goods and services not available through central contracts then it will advertise on www.etenders.gov.ie in line with Government policy.

Teagasc does not maintain a list of preferred suppliers.

Suppliers should note that Teagasc will only pay invoices where a valid Teagasc Purchase order has been received.

Queries related to invoicing should be addressed to accounts.payable@teagasc.ie

Other queries can be addressed to corporate.services@teagasc.ie