Dairying has traditionally been Ireland's most profitable farming enterprise. Through Teagasc research, advisory and education services, Irish dairy farmers are competitive globally.
Cattle farming is the enterprise taking place on the greatest number of farms in Ireland. Through knowledge transfer and research programmes, Teagasc work with the sector to be competitive and sustainable.
Sheep production is the fourth most important animal enterprise in Ireland, operating on both hill and lowland farms. The teagasc research and advisory programmes centre around low cost grass-based production systems.
The Pig sector is the third most important economic generator in Irish Agriculture. Teagasc is focused on improving profitability, sow productivity and growing the national herd.
Teagasc aim to promote equine production, improve the skills of producers and add value to the product.
The poultry industry is divided into 2 separate sections – poultry meat and egg production. In each sector production can be either highly intensive, free range or organic. 70 million chickens are produced annually, 4 million turkeys and eggs from 2 million hens.
Animal Bioscience
Teagasc uses a powerful combination of established animal science techniques, as well as cutting-edge molecular and computational biology tools, to answer relevant industry research questions.
Overuse and unnecessary use of antibiotics in particular are leading to a build-up in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). This web resource gives an insight into causes and prevention of AMR.