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Bridget Lynch

Research Officer

Research Interests

I am a senior Research Officer in the Department of Environment Soils and Land Use Department in Johnstown Castle. I lead the agronomic aspects of the Agricultural Catchments Programme and manage the soil science, gaseous emissions, socio economic and communication teams in the programme. My other research interests include: Evaluation of multispecies swards for livestock systems; Grazing management for grass based dairy production; Knowledge transfer of grassland science technologies; Biorefinery of grass/ crops and role in the bioeconomy.

I am an adjunct Associate Professor in the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science.

Research Team 


Current Projects


  • 2016    Professional Diploma in University Teaching and Learning, University College Dublin
  • 2008   PhD, University College Dublin
  • 2004   Bachelor of Agricultural Science, University College Dublin


  • 2021   Senior Research Officer – Agronomist, Teagasc, Johnstown Castle 
  • 2021 Adjunct Associate Professor, UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science
  • 2020   Associate Professor of Grass and Forage Science, University College Dublin
  • 2007   Assistant Professor of Grass and Forage Science, University College Dublin

Full publication list can be found on SCOPUS and PUBLONS, the following are recent peer reviewed journal articles:

McKay, Z.C., Mulligan, F.J., Brady, E.L., O’Sullivan, M., Rajauria, G., Lynch, M.B., Callaghan, T.F. and Pierce, K.M. (2022). Impact of a total mixed ration or pasture/pasture silage-based feeding strategy in the initial stages of lactation of spring-calving dairy cows on milk production, composition and selected milk processability parameters.  Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 1-14, DOI: 10.15212/ijafr-2022-0003.

P.E. Mellander, M.B. Lynch, J. Galloway, O. Žurovec, M. McCormack, M. O’Neill, D. Hawtree, and E. Burgess (2022). Benchmarking a decade of holistic agro-environmental studies within the Agricultural Catchments Programme. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 1-17, DOI: 10.15212/ijafr-2020-0145.

E.L. Brady, E.T. Kelly, M.B. Lynch, A.G. Fahey, K.M. Pierce and F.J. Mulligan (2022). The effect of concentrate feeding strategy and dairy cow genotype on milk production, pasture intake, body condition score and metabolic status under restricted grazing conditions. Livestock Science, 256, 104815. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104815

Hearn C., Egan M., Berry D.P., Geoghegan A., O'Leary M., Lynch M.B., O'Donovan M (2021). Agronomic performance of ten perennial ryegrass varieties on commercial grassland farms. The Journal of Agricultural Science 2021:1-11; http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021859621000927.

M.J. Doran, F.J. Mulligan, M.B. Lynch, A.G. Fahey, Z.C. McKay, N.J. Ryan, C. McDonnell, S. McCabe and K.M. Pierce (2021). Effect of supplement crude protein concentration on milk production over the main grazing season and on nitrogen excretion in late-lactation grazing dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2021-20743

C.J. Bracken, G.J. Lanigan, K.G. Richards, C. Muller, S.R. Tracy, J. Grant, D.J. Krol, H. Sheridan, M.B. Lynch, C. Grace, R. Fritch and P.N.C. Murphy (2021). Source partitioning using N2O isotopomers and soil WFPS to establish dominant N2O production pathways from different pasture sward compositions Science of the Total Environment, 781, 146515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146515

D. Corbett, D.P. Wall, M.B. Lynch and P. Tuohy (2021). The influence of lime application on the chemical and physical characteristics of acidic grassland soils with impeded drainage. The Journal of Agricultural Science. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859621000381

E.L. Brady, K.M. Pierce, M.B. Lynch, A.G. Fahey and F.J. Mulligan (2021). The effect of nutritional management in early lactation and dairy cow genotype on milk production, metabolic status, and uterine recovery in a pasture-based system. Journal of Dairy Science, 104 (5) 5522-5538 https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19329

M.J. Doran, M. O’Sullivan, F.J. Mulligan, M.B. Lynch, A.G. Fahey, Z.C. McKay, H. Ryan and K.M. Pierce (2021). Effects of protein supplementation strategy and genotype on milk composition and selected milk processability parameters in late-lactation spring-calving grazing dairy cows. International Dairy Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.105050.

C. Holohan, T. Russell, F.J. Mulligan, K.M. Pierce and M.B. Lynch (2021). A survey analysis of farmer practices and perceptions of zero-grazing on Irish dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science. 104 (5), 5665-5674  https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19164