Health and Safety
It is the responsibility of every owner to make their forest a safe and healthy place to work.
In this section:
- Introduction
- Code of Practice for managing safety and health in forestry operations
- Know your role
- Health and Safety check list for forestry operations
- Operating a chainsaw safely
- Relevant publications
The Health and Safety and Welfare at work Act 2005 is a legal requirement.
When planning and carrying out forestry operations, the law requires that a number of health and safety duties must be completed.
A Safety Statement is a written document aimed at minimising exposure to risk or injury or ill-health for all people working in the forest:
- If the landowner is undertaking the work or is directing the work then s/he needs to prepare a Safety Statement.
- If the work is undertaken by a Forestry Works Manager then s/he prepares the Safety Statement and sets out in writing the health and safety measures taken to protect workers.
- In turn, all workers must abide by these measures.
The Safety Statement should:
- Include a written risk assessment
- Point to safe working procedures
- Establish that operators are competent and qualified for their tasks
- Have the necessary tools/machinery for the task
- Provide procedures to supervise and monitor the work
- Emphasise the need for suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Protect public health and safety
Relevant publications:
- Farm Forestry Series 22: Forestry Health & Safety (PDF)
- HSA Code of Practice for Managing Safety and Health in Forestry Operations (PDF)
- HSA Guide to H&S responsibilities of forest owners who fell trees (PDF)
- Health & Safety Guidance for Forestry Work Manager in selecting and monitoring contractors (PDF)
- Electricity at Work: Forestry (PDF)
- Mechanical Harvesting (PDF)
- Extraction by Forwarder (PDF)