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Pesticide Training

(Sustainable Use Directive)

How to register as a professional user

From 26th November 2015 all professional users of chemicals/sprays must register with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Registration can be completed by selecting the appropriate options on the Pesticides Registration and Control Section of the DAFM website.

Pesticide Training Courses in Teagasc

Details to follow

Please note: Teagasc is not offering training in pesticide use outside its full-time programmes at present.

Pesticide Training Courses delivered by outside agencies

List of Professional Pesticide User Training Providers available on DAFM website:

Past Teagasc Student Query

If you need confirmation of or have a query about a Teagasc pesticide training course you completed in the past please submit the form: SUD Query Form (Word Doc).

If you completed training on pesticide use with another provider please refer to your original trainer.

Further Information

The Crops section has further information on the Sustainable Use Directive.