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Biodiversity Research

The ‘Farmland biodiversity agricultural ecology’ sub-programme is located within the Crops Environment and Land Use Programme (CELUP) This area of research is focussed on developing the scientific knowledge base required to underpin policy and farming activity that will contribute to conservation of farmland biodiversity and ecological resources.

Current priorities include:

  • Improving the environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of management plans for High Nature Value farming systems
  • Improving the environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of wildlife measures for intensively managed farming systems
  • Development and application of farm-scale metrics of sustainability that include farmland wildlife, and can improve labelling and marketing of Irish food
  • Development and application of methods to better investigate the benefit of biodiversity to agro-ecosystem services, including biomass yield, reduced weed invasion, increased nutrient efficiency, biological control and reduced greenhouse gases in agricultural grasslands.
  • Support for policymakers to successfully implement policies that have biodiversity objectives. This also includes activities of the Teagasc Working Group on Biodiversity.