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Results-Based Environment-Agri Pilot Project (REAP)

REAP is an agri-environment pilot project that pays farmers to maintain and improve the environmental conditions of their land.

Farmers will bring in between 2ha and 10ha of land which will be scored in year one to establish its environmental condition. Farmers will work with their advisers to undertake environmental improvement works on the land that can increase the environmental score in year two. REAP will focus on improving existing farm features rather than the creation of new features and habitats. Farms with higher environmental scores will receive larger payments.

The below video gives an overview of REAP and what's involved in the pilot project

The pilot will test the ‘Results-Based’ approach and prepare farmers, Advisors and DAFM for the Agri Environment Scheme in the new Rural Development Programme in 2023

  • No guarantee of entry
  • Duration: 2021 and 2022

Who CANNOT apply?

  • Farmers in GLAS, EIPs or Organics

What Fields are eligible?

  • Fields on your BPS in 2020
  • Grass fields
  • Not tillage fields 
  • Not peatland with heather

How to submit an Expression of Interest?

  • Through a DAFM approved REAP advisor
  • Contact your local Teagasc office
  • Deadline - Monday 10th May

IF accepted into REAP

  • You choose any grass fields totalling 2 – 10 ha
  • Your advisor will walk these grass fields in June / July and score each field with you using one of two scorecards (Low Input Grassland or Multi Species Ley)
  • The score determines the level of payment
  • Your advisor will discuss the option of planting trees or hedges

Field scores based on:

  • Number and abundance of grass and non-grass species
  • Extent of boundaries
  • Margin width: 1m, 2m, 3m (and an additional option of 5m for Multi Species Leys)


  • Participation Payment: €1,200 per year

  • Optional Capital Payment: €1,200 in one year only

    €9.20 / tree up to 130 trees or €15.80 / m of hedge up to 76m
  • Field Score Payment:

    Low Input Grassland (LIG)
    • €250 - €400 / ha based on a score of 4-10  
      Plus Top up of €50/ha for late mown meadows 
      Max €4,500 if 10 ha LIG + late mown meadow at a score of 10/10


         Multi Species Ley (MSL):

  • €125 - €275 / ha based on a score of 4-10
  • Max €2,750 if 10 ha MSL at a score of 10/10

Maximum Payment: €6,900 in one year & €5,700 in other year for a score of 10/10.

Average payments will be significantly lower than maximum payments.