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ForestMoocForChange is back with a new session!

ForestMoocForChange is back with a new session!

ForestMoocForChange is a new educational project, co-financed by the European Union, whose co-ordination is shared between four European forestry development agencies involved in close-to-nature forestry development. Jonathan Spazzi tells us more.

The European forestry development agencies involved are; Teagasc Forestry Development Department in Ireland, ANW in Germany, Pro Silva France, and Forêt-Nature in Belgium as lead partner.

The aim of the project is to provide introductory online training on continuous cover forestry systems as a way to stimulate forest management and help integrate production of quality timber with biodiversity enhancement, the protection of ecosystem services and greater forest resilience.

Find out more

Video: Forest MOOC For Change: the first free online course on Continuous Cover Forestry!

ForestMoocForChange: the first free online course on Continuous Cover Forestry!

An initial 8-week course ran between October and December 2023. It saw an incredible 8,000 learners taking part and 1,700 certificate delivered across Europe. Approximately 1,000 participants engaged with the English version of the course which was coordinated in Teagasc by Forestry Development Officer Jonathan Spazzi and Research Officer Dr. Ian Short.

Did you miss the first session or our free online course on continuous cover forestry?
Why not take the opportunity to participate and obtain your certificate during our second, and final, session.
Starting 19 February and ending 30 April 2024
Register now for our free online course on continuous cover forestry

Are you interested in the multifunctional value of forests and the impact of climate change on forests?  Are you wondering what can be done to make forests more diverse, while remaining productive and resilient?

ForestMoocForChange is an online introductory course on continuous cover forestry, covering the various aspects of this innovative form of forestry over an 8-week period. The course includes 74 videos produced in the field by experts, managers and owners. Each fortnight, a live session will be organized with the speakers so that you can ask your questions and discuss the topics covered with an expert.

This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is designed to be comprehensive and open to all, helping you discovering continuous cover forestry, how it works and its dynamics, ranging from economic to ecological and social issues.

Testimonials from participants

"I really liked the general principle of continuous cover and to see the experience across Europe. The videos really conveyed the philosophy of this management method and were well organized and presented. It was a pleasure to watch them and to imagine managing a forest under continuous cover.

"I was particularly impressed by the diversity of the technical situations, the speakers and the mix of theory concepts expressed through practical examples in the field and with people who are passionate about what they do.

"I really enjoyed the intergenerational approach required to manage a forest, whether private, state-owned or public. I also liked the quality of the speakers, who were willing to share their experiences. It was a real pleasure!

For more information contact Jonathan Spazzi, Forestry Development Officer with Teagasc