Grass10 Newsletter - 28 September 2021
29 September 2021
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Type Newsletter
Information and updates from the Grass10 team
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The key messages in this week’s newsletter are:
- PastureBase Ireland data for the week for both Dairy and Beef & Sheep farms. Elodie Ruelle’s MoSt Grass Growth Prediction Model
- Dairy farmer Aidan Murphy from Co. Cork updates us on his current grass situation as he reaches peak AFC on his farm.
- Grass10 Grazing tips for the week
- Update from the Dairy Calf to Beef Systems trial in Teagasc Grange Co. Meath by Nicky Byrne
- GFOY update from David Brady, Co. Cavan
- Picking your paddocks to graze as we start the final rotation on Irish farms
The Grass10 & PastureBase webinar titled ‘Managing the Final Grazing Rotation with PastureBase’ will take place this Thursday 30th September. We will be joined on the night by Dairy farmers Paudie O Brien from Co. Kerry who farms on heavy soil and Padraig Callanan from Co. Laois to discuss their plans for the final grazing rotation.