Transferring the Family Farm Online Clinics 2021
Type Event Proceeding
Increasingly, farm transfers are taking place during the owner’s lifetime, allowing all parties to manage the process. Every family has a different set of circumstances, but it is always better to have a plan in place. To help you prepare Teagasc hosted two webinars on 6 & 13 October as a follow-on to the webinar which was held last November.
The worst case scenario is where the farm transfer is unplanned as a result of illness or the death of the owner, leading to tax and legal complications. Many farmers say they will never retire, however you do not have to be retired to have a succession plan in place and there are many decent tax reliefs and benefits to encourage you to prepare a plan in good time.
Transferring the Family Farm Online Clinic - Part One
On part one of the 2021 Transferring the Family Farm clinic, which took place on Wednesday, 6 October, Clare O’Keeffe from Succession Ireland spoke about how using a mediator can help farming families put together a successful succession plan in place. Emma Fogarty Teagasc Solicitor spoke of the importance of writing a will and the role of executors.
- Mediation (pdf)
Clare O’Keeffe from Succession Ireland - Wills and Probate slides (pdf)
Emma Fogarty, Teagasc Solicitor
Watch Part One below
Transferring the Family Farm Online Clinic - Part Two
On part two of the Transferring the Family Farm clinic, Deborah Dwyer from the Citizens Information Board made two presentations, firstly looking at the Nursing Home Support Scheme (Fair Deal) and secondly she discussed the state Pensions (contributory and non-contributory).
- CI presentation DD Budget (pdf)
- CI presentation FairDeal (pdf)
- CI presentation Pensions (pdf)
Watch Part Two below
These webinars were a follow on from the 2020 clinics and are designed to help farm families through the process of and all aspects that need to be considered when transferring the family farm. View last year’s webinar by visiting
Find all our advice and guidance on Succession & Inheritance here